
So a couple of things: If you and your family don’t want to live in the White House then maybe don’t run for President. Also, I know that it is normal for Secret Service to secure the president, no matter where he is staying but the idea of the US Government paying the president as part of protecting the president is

This gives me such rage because all I can see when I read this is all the assholes on my FB feed who posted hate stories about Obama’s ‘lavish’ and ‘outrageous’ vacations and state trips for the last eight years. I bet I don’t hear a fucking peep out of them about this. They will probably hear from me now, though. The

I feel especially bad for New Yorkers. Think of all the people who will be hurt and/or ripped off bc their police are babysitting Ivanka’s kids instead of doing their jobs.

Doesn’t care to what, grift? Not like Cheeto’s going to do any actual presidenting anyway, Cotton Hill’s gonna do all that for him.

And so it begins. The only reason that Trump wanted to be president in the first place is to enrich himself further. The shakedown has begun. He will leave office 1000x richer and the country will be in shambles.

Won’t take a sallary, but will take millions in rent.

“SS protection” now has a different connotation.

So this is why when I hear my friends in my craphole of a home town, where the major industry has transitioned from manufacturing to quick marts, speak enthusiastically of Trump’s love for the common man and the end of big government, I laugh and laugh. And cry a little inside.

Does anyone else find it ironic that Shade Court has become a bright spot in the world? Anyway it’s awesome.

We’re chasing the same kind of MacGyver-level plots to get Trump out and Clinton in at this point. The kind of things the BernieOrBusters kept hanging on to: Bernie will come back and win California. Clinton’s delegates will defect. The supers will defect. If at least three Hillary electors change to Sanders post

“I feel like this militia would’ve formed if Hillary had won.”

Um... Trump did tell his “second amendment people” that they may need to take matters into their own hands against Hillary, so, yeah, probably. And we elected him... Christ.

“I feel like this militia would’ve formed if Hillary had won.”

Dear HRC: I keep thinking about that scene in The Abyss. You know the one where Ed Harris brings Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio back to life and, between bouts of CPR, he yells, “Goddammit, you bitch! You never backed away from anything in your life! Now fight!”? And she comes roaring back to life?

If so he’ll eventually run out of people and start appointing dick pics and cum shots to lesser positions.

More like 99.999999999999

Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

It feels more and more like every attack on her was really a projection of what he really is.

I literally just talked about this in the previous article.

Can someone please explain to me what the apology would be? Sorry we expect you to protect all Americans? Sorry we hear the words you say and see the actions you take and find them potentially indicative of the person you are?