
Talk about a real bust in the Chappelle Show racial draft. First overall.

Man, between this and crashing when his wife was chasing him who’d have thought that driving would be the part of his game that left him first.

Does this count as another major?

Say what you want, I love Lost in Translation. Can watch it countless times. Looking forward to this one, congrats Sofia!

Good player, terrible human. He was Curt Schilling before Curt Schilling was Curt Schilling.

If you can get a Russian sex worker or two to join you, that sounds like Trump’s kind of party!

in baseball, if there’s a strikeout but the ball isn’t cleanly caught, the batter has a chance to take first base because he hasn’t fully been recorded as “out”. On an uncaught 3rd strike, per MLB rules, the batter immediately becomes a runner. so the result of the at-bat can be a strikeout, but the batter still

All I know is that we’re moving towards the point where people are going to start cutting deals and throwing others under the bus to try and save their own skins.

Until he becomes Director of the FBI.

this is exactly why I’ve never dated her.

What about a ghost? How was this article not published as a ranking of supernatural creatures by propensity-to-bone?

He is literally everything the GOP claims to hate.

The President’s mature and dignified response involved calling the perpetrators of the bombing “losers”. Because in the face of a tragedy, you always want to hear the leader of the free world using playground taunts.

ISIS would take responsibility for a ham sandwich.

Your comment’s missing a d. Meta!

He’s screwed, he doesn’t have creible defense.

the vast majority of Fox employees were sad” about his exit, and that the outside hatred towards him is what “killed him.”