
On the eve of the inauguration, I think it’s a good time to remember that under President Obama, twenty million Americans gained health insurance, cutting the percentage of uninsured Americans to single digits; same-sex marriage was legalized; DADT was repealed; combat positions were opened to women and transgender

What was it Robert Frost said? “Good fences make good neighbors unless your neighbor is black in which case fuck that guy,” I think it was.

If you took all the race descriptors away, no one would have lied about him being in anyone’s yard.



he decided to go for a walk in the woods near his hotel to kill time.

He also invited Williams to stay at his house

The only reason for this stupid rule is so equal information is available to all gamblers and sports books. Yet the Raiders aren’t going to get penalized for knowing for the entire second half of the season that they were moving to Las Vegas. Sad.

“That’s adorable.” - Bill Belichick

Fuck that paparazzi asshole.

One the the few times Pete let a star player carry something of importance.

We haven’t forgotten, we haven’t been confident for quite a while.

You know, I’d wouldn’t be surprised if once he sees the F-35 (and it possibly landing in vertical fashion) he’d say something like “That’s a great airplane, maybe the best airplane. We need more of those airplanes.” All this while completely oblivious to the model of airplane it is and his previous tweets.

they’re very common in nations like North Korea and Russia, where their respective armed forces are regularly used to show political strength. warn people not to step out of line.


Maybe that’s because when you’re drunk, you’re really controlling a giant monster somewhere in the Amazon rainforest, and the only reason we haven’t seen the movie yet is because there’s no TV or internet.

Really a white person is terrifying an Asian country?

Well, it must be tough realizing your whole life has been a lie, huh?

Sounds just like my family. I have pretty much cut ties with all of them, but *I’M* the horrible person because they are Christian and you’re supposed to love your family no matter what, even if they shit on you/abused you/are the sole reason you have low self-esteem. I will live the rest of my life with that

I have a close friend who chose his husband over his homophobic Trump voting batshit family. Unfortunately, he’s not a quarterback for an NFL team so he’s not getting any press.