
I honestly thought this rule was just “etiquette”. I don’t live in Japan, I’ve never heard of this as a Japanese thing. I live in the bustling hustle of New York and have always been aware of this “rule.” It’s definitely a big more loosely followed around these parts but even people who don’t follow it strictly are

Jesus.Fucking.Christ. This woman was stabbed 47 times and you still managed to do her a further disservice and erasing her by merely referring to her Ashton Kutcher’s ex.

The time travel thing is gonna keep me from giving this movie full points, but I truly surprisingly enjoyed it more the 2nd time I watched it.

While some may feel it’s a copout that Jane survived her destined death

Hulk rips the ass end off of the thing to get into it, then see’s Black Widow and transforms into Banner.

Hulk ruined the quinjet trying to stop Thor from leaving him alone on the world.

Over fifty here, and I’m not drinking the kind of fucking swill put forth in this piece, nor is there anything pretentious about preferring certain types of beer or particular brands.

I similar issued with bud. Rice should not be used for beer. It should be made into sake like god intended.

That the “Wounded Warrior Project” has to exist is mind-boggling. We have broken these young men and women in service of thier country, yet hope that a charitable organization will put them back together when they get home. That is criminally negligent from my perspective. Between that and the suicide rate among

I hope the GOP still has all of those rooms still reserved for the extended Benghazi hearings they were expecting to keep up after HRC won, because I’m certain they’ll have the same urgency and furor in investigating how an 8 year old American girl was shot in the neck and killed, along with a SEAL, during a raid

Texas doesn’t actually give it’s Governor all that much power. They know they will be stuck with idiots and took steps to prevent permanent damage.

Pretty bold move biting Michaelangelo’s Pieta and casting Tony as Christ.

There’s a difference between working for a customer you don’t particularly like (or even loath) vs publicly acting to prop up and celebrate them. More than that, because this isn’t just “a job” they have to deal with becoming a propaganda tool for a politician who supports legislature that may directly seek to negate

Some minor spoilers below...

I died last year... and still trying to deal with it.

Exactly. Rowling went to some extremely dark places in this movie, alongside the whimsy and slapstick and charm. Credence exists only to suffer - beaten with his own belt by his stepmother, exploited and treated cruelly by Grindel-Graves, then killed (though not quite, it turns out) by massed MACUSA wizards. It

Yeah. It seems the 1920's wizarding “justice” system was pretty short on actual justice. What struck me about the scene was not so much that Grindel-Graves sent them for execution, but that the attendants in white seemed completely non-plussed by the whole matter. I suppose there’s the possibility that they were