
Wiping tears away. Thank you.

A question: When Steve Rogers goes into the past to put the infinity stones back where they belong - some of them were on other planets. How does he get there?!

Digby thought it was slipping dentures! And that’s what it looked like to me.

Ah. Thanks, I saw that - I thought the thing might be flyable because it responded to Bruce’s handprint.

Hmm. I didn’t see that - I thought it was Banner and Thor on the quinjet and then Banner and Thor in the street, with no Hulk in between.

Could someone tell me why Thor and Bruce get off the quinjet and start running around the city again after it recognizes both of them? Maybe I zoned out for a sec but I don’t know why that was - when Thor is asked he just says, “We got sidetracked.” What?

Passengers has haunted me since I saw it. I didn’t think Jim’s waking Aurora ever went completely away. Besides Aurora’s initial reaction there is her attack on Jim in his bed - Fishburne’s character’s “Damn” to Jim and his words about a drowning man to Aurora - and more, including Jim’s offer to put Aurora in stasis

Exactly. Rowling went to some extremely dark places in this movie, alongside the whimsy and slapstick and charm. Credence exists only to suffer - beaten with his own belt by his stepmother, exploited and treated cruelly by Grindel-Graves, then killed (though not quite, it turns out) by massed MACUSA wizards. It

Off topic but was anyone else disturbed that there was a killing pool below MACUSA Hq. to which you could be sent without trial? The executioner grinning and telling Tina that it wouldn’t hurt was one of the creepiest things I have ever seen in a movie.

I’ve been reading this site devotedly for years, have gotten so many good book recommendations, loved All the Birds in the Sky, and only just now created an account so I could say thank you, Charlie Jane!