30 Helens Agree

I finished listening to The Message this morning. Pretty solid wrap-up to the story. But this whole GE Theater thing is sort of bugging me. Especially after listening to last week's Startup, where they basically talk about how they don't want to do this type of native advertising podcast under their umbrella, and then

I assume the spirit of the rule for any completion that isn't in the end zone so as to prove that the receiver does, in fact, have control of the ball as proven by the running. But…the end zone is the destination. Why would you keep running in the end zone? Was he supposed to pivot and run across?

Most songs would welcome a guest. Howard comes out of the gate swinging.

Yeah, I'm curious as to how this is going to work out. It's not a great sign when the first guest on the new format openly wishes that he had more time on the show because he was having fun. They probably should have just dropped Two Charted and Howard could have forged forward with Hey Gang on Fridays if he wanted to.

I'd argue that Ils is a better version of The Strangers. The Strangers got pretty boring pretty quickly with the repetitiveness of the terrorizing. Ils got to the point quicker and kept the tension high.

Well that's something. Time to re-download all of Analyze Phish.

Earwolf tweeted that you can still listen to the archives with ads for free in the iOS app or on earwolf.com. It's the ad-free archives that'll be behind the paywall.

Bigger than a breadbox Nanny.

The "throwing fireworks at one another" story alone makes it worth the listen, never mind the Sandy "remix" that capped the 30 minutes of unfiltered Kremer.

But it's always fun to hear Pardo and it was interesting that Paul's uncle is Bob Newhart.

I'm with you, although I put the fault squarely at Paul's feet. When it was clear that the character wasn't going anywhere, Scott and Jimmy kept trying to set up scenarios to make it interesting and Paul just kept shutting those scenarios down.

I'm with you. I legit love the Summah albums. The songs are catchy as hell and funny. Bring on Summahtology!

No Clap for the Cos is a great band name.

Now that they're a corporation, we can probably sue you through them!

Interesting. I thought it was a solid episode and that he fit in nicely, although he may have been a little quiet during some parts. But maybe my impression of him being affable is coloring my listening.

It pains me to say so, but I think I am, too. The scenes never seem to really go anywhere and tend to end up as shapeless as they start, and they don't tend to draw that much (if anything) from the interview before, so it's almost two separate podcasts. I may keep it around as a filler show if I find myself without

It's got rack and peanuts steering.

30 Helens Agree: You can't make a julep without crushing some mint.

I picked up a bottle of Buffalo Trace last weekend to make some mint juleps. It's a fine whiskey.

Will YouTube play music videos before the ads?