30 Helens Agree

It's like some sort of Savage Love bingo game.

I'd probably spin this as, "I'm going out for pizza and I hear there's a band."

I definitely agree with you on the criteria. And for the most part I'm fine with a mythology, non-newbie friendliness be damned. But when mythologies take up so much of the running time to explain for new listeners I think it loses something (I think Wompler is well beyond that point now). And in the case of the F&P

My screamo band I.T.S.L.I.K.E.F.I.E.V.E.L.B.U.T.O.N.E.L.E.S.S. could open for you.

I was not aware that Time Bobby 3 was on the horizon. I share your concern.

Yeah, one thing that CBB seems to be leaning on lately is trying to get lightning in a bottle more than once. It's the Farts and Procreation effect.

I get the impression that they take the work seriously, but don't take themselves seriously. They've clearly got a sense of humor, but they seem to put effort and thought into their songs. Personally, I appreciate the ideas and thought put into the songs and I like how their albums have progressed in complexity.

I hear you. Tomorrow we're taking delivery of our new dining room set and I'm feeling fairly confident that an AARP card will be taped to one of the chairs.

I'm beginning the transition to fall/winter clothes and am grabbing a few new pairs of jeans.  I'm about to take advantage of J. Crew's 25% off denim sale.
