
No, traffic is caused by epic fucksticks who dont know shit about driving or living in a society.

Pictures of the meaty bastards I took at Oshkosh last year.


Can we hire this grounds crew for the Pro Bowl?

You could not *be* more wrong. That shirt is salmon, not orange.

About a day after masturbating is no longer a fun way to pass the time.

The Wave is fun.

Investors are confused!

These guys were way too eager to hit the coffin corner

What are you talking about? This tweet is terrifying.

I hope he left Invisible Tom Brady hanging.

It’s toothless because all the manufacturer has to do is add the CAFE fine to the bottom line on each car. People won’t really care because they’re already spending $35,000 or more. And most new car buyers are economically illiterate and probably don’t even realize their final costs on that 96 month loan they just

It bugs me that it bugs you.

“It’s more probable that the cable snapped because the pilot missed the wire he/she was supposed to catch.”

Is it?

Eh, there are some correlations but this doesn’t prove causation. A lot of poor people are poor due to bad decisions and/or lack of forward thinking, such as not purchasing toilet paper in bulk or on sale.

Thumbs-up for the Brad Sucks.

Dbacks offer: 6 yr/206.5 m, and his son can design the uniforms

Mission Control: Liftoff in T minus 10...9...8...

Too bad this isn't an Instagram video, because at about 9 seconds is when Eddie Lacy passes out, and at about 16 seconds is when they bring him to by waving a turkey leg under his nose.