
I hate when jalopnik fetters me over to jezebel :(

Well no problem, I’ll just use my finely tuned sportbike to ride in between all the pansy cars stuck in traff- WHAT?!? I can’t efficiently and safely drive between the lanes using my hyper-efficient and super quick mode of transportation that contributes to zero congestion on the freeway?

Takers? Yeah, I mean I’ll take it...

My longest ever streak was I think 60 calender days of flossing every night. I now floss once or twice a month just to loosen up that flavor in my mouth.

you WILL get robbed. That’s why you need a traveler’s belt with your real wallet and a fake wallet to keep in your pocket with small bills in it. I was robbed there. Robbed once and pickpocketed twice. Every American I met there got mugged, one couple by a gun-toting thief, mine at knifepoint. Stay safe and have fun

It is weird that I watched this music video 45 minutes ago apropos of nothing then see it referenced here?

Having owned a mid-90's Explorer; I do find this nostalgic. But I sure don’t miss the 160 hp v8.

Brazil is the most beautiful shithole in the world. Rio in particular is full of gypsy thieves and hoodlums.

I beg to differ. Phoenix is a testament to man’s will to survive. See, if this were 80 years ago I would agree with you, but these days peoples’ carriages have conditioned air.

he’s referring to the bugatti that was driven into a lake

I just became a Z32 N/A owner in February. 100,000 miles for $5,000 and zero problems aside from wonky camber caused by the stanced suspension.