
Are you the type of guy who will spend a week trying to decide which new restaurant to eat at and order the Grilled Cheese sandwich like you always do?


Shit happens.

“Oil personally changed every 6 months, all serious maintenance done by Italian master mechanic in Stoke. Entire system flushed with Seafoam once a year. Always drank 91+ octane since new. Oh and I’m also selling a Ferrari if you’re interested. — Keith”

I don’t care what side of the fence you come down on. The idea that the democratic process of the nation is under attack from foreign powers Russia should anger everyone.

The cultural relevance of cars has been declining steeply for at least 10 years. The next generation of kids won’t want to own them. The next two or three generations of fun cars might simply be the last before the car-as-transport pod revolution is complete.

What’s with all the Corvette bashing here? It’s almost like you people don’t like cars or something. This thing looks great, even with the wacko camo. Looks like a Ferrari, you say? Yeah, well dolphins look like sharks, too...and they both look cool.

For someone who studies rear ends, you chose the flattest one ever to post.

While the commentary was on point, you really get a star for the use of the phrase “Bumboclaat.

You must you must have more experience than I do because I can barely see the rear end there

Your just mad because we don’t have to do LS swaps to go fast.

She used her personal cellphone, a fact we didn’t know before.

I still don't feel comfortable calling it a Corvette yet.  Not at least until they announce it as such.  You know what they say: "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me for over 50 years..."

Even Texas does not deserve to have several square miles smell like a Jersey shore dive bar.

I feel like, if this had happened in the late 90's/early 2000's, it would’ve made an excellent origin story for nü-metal. The truck explodes in a thunderous ball of flame, leaving behind a thick, noxious cloud of pungent grey musk, out of which swaggers the scattered members of Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park, followed


The nation’s Chads are in mourning.

Can’t believe you left something like‘ hordes of pop-collar douchebros are in mourning today’ on the table.

But as i keep reminding people, almost no one uses all of their accelleration even in the best case scenario. I still consistently get stuck behind morons merging onto the freeway(nearly a 1/2mile entry ramp) doing 35...

So your neighborhoods will be great for Nuro autonomous delivery now that trips to the grocery store will take four hours.