When a ‘90s Malibu needs new tires, I’m pretty sure it’s considered totaled.
This may be the best looking car mercedes ever produced. Add in a smooth v12 and you have a winner....except if your drape it in yellow. This car was designed for AMG silver.
And, why can’t an electric Land Cruiser work?
Dear Lexus can you please stop building so many ugly cars!
Signed a person with eyes.
P.S The L.C is sort of cool.
Architects finally driven mad by the lack of Saabs.
I wouldn’t worry too much about short sellers who are trying to manipulate the market with these false lawsuits.
Drive it in reverse and the odometer will roll back to NP
Ah the shorts are burning, hope they also lose money on this lawsuit as well.
He announced it on twitter at the same time he announced it to the entire company with a much longer explanation as to why. Tweeting it to the world took out any opportunity for that company email to be leaked which would have been actual trouble.
He wouldn’t.
Neutral: Mustang II, Chevette, any and all K cars from Chrysler.
Someone should have had the forethought to specify an even larger penalty per bike that is destroyed — say $200 per bike. That would create a proper incentive for the company to realize that most of these bikes are in fact repairable, and for far less than that.
Not only that, the Boston example proves fish treat ride share bikes just like people do.