
I like EV’s and will probably get one somewhat soon, but many places in Africa for instance don’t have stable electricity availability. If you could carry enough electricity to get an EV out of a tight spot as if you were using a gas can that’d be big. Regardless it’s going to be situations where electricity isn’t

If Saudi Arabia is planning for the end of oil revenue, and Tesla is a major driver of the end of said oil revenue, would it not make sense for Saudi Arabia to buy Tesla just to kill it or put ICE’s in them? 

That car is going to be impossible to find parts for when it breaks.  This is a very questionable idea. 

Facebook is just going to have to figure it out and work on it. Every person and company has to do things they’d rather not do. Facebook will never be perfect, if there even is such a thing in this case, but right now there’s propagandists gaming the system with made up conspiracy theories, and it’s working, and it’s

My favorite thing about the Viper’s yellow wheels is that they can be easily replaced. That yellow badge on the side might limit your options but there’ll be something out there that works better than that.

The tolls are a perk more than they are the sole reason to do something, but they definitely work as a motivator and push people over the tipping point of buying EV’s

I don’t have kids or promote them, but I’ll just say be careful not to bang those subs too hard with the kids in the car or their hearing won’t develop correctly. They have lower tolerances than adults before damage occurs.  

That sounds like a good deal, you should really take it and get rid of this liability.

The car stays in the news. You sure this is fallout?

This has needed to happen for a while and there’s probably no easy way to roll out a change like this smoothly for every situation. Probably they end up adding back the 16x9 as an option checkbox later and leave it at that, because for such a simple thing a lot can go wonky with aspect ratio and it can be a huge

I watched the video, I know how it works, I’ll probably have a car with it eventually.   I just don’t want to see a future with just one pedal someday, even if the brake pedal is eventually made redundant.  

I hate this. I don’t know why I just do. Cars are 2 pedal devices, preferably 3, when you’re down to 1 pedal it just feels wrong. I like Electric cars, I’m all for it, but this 1 pedal business just really grinds my gears

There were a couple of bad ideas on display here. Relying on GPS too much is one, not doing enough testing before going before the public, and then that paint job is another.

Musk probably has some psychological deal where he likes the attention. But, what he’s doing to get that is trying to improve things rather than hurting people, which is a refreshing change of pace. He might not get everything he wants to do done, but he has really moved electric car adoption forward in a big way, an

These cars may be on the road for 20 years or more, if they’re going to move to cameras they really should be cheap and reliable during the lifespan of the car, not just the warranty period for public safety among other reasons. Broke ass people who get the car third hand are going to leave these broken.  

That’s one of the most fantastic mullets I have ever seen

That’s fucking great

I like coupes, so I want a worthy successor to the Gen 2 Eclipse and a new 3000GT.  I’ll just be over here holding my breath. 

If the vertical line of the D joined with the top curved line of the D it’d be a lot less confusing. It’s that small gap that really draws you into examining it, IMO, which is probably the point of the design. If the vertical line closed off the D, the bottom squiggle would be seen as the flair it really is, rather

They’re everywhere and I agree with the citation