
A lot of pedestrians are just oblivious, it’s not an attitude at all, and drivers are like this too, so I feel bad for them. The ones with an attitude are the worst though.

It’s 100% good old fashioned fun

That’s not charming, that’s lame and disgusting.

I love having a sunroof, but making them giant and complex is more than I’m asking for. It’s like leave well enough alone. Maybe there’s Demand out there for this sort of giant sunroof thing but I kind of feel it’s unnecessary.

Nobles are so perfect

I try to tell myself they just wanted to use the name and it’s really not related to the Lancer Evo at all, but man, just... fuck this thing. I hope they don’t sell a single one.

I hate when people slow down for a turn in the middle of a traffic lane when there’s plenty of road to the side that they could use to pull over a little bit and slow down for a turn. They’re inhibiting all the people behind them, and they tend to take forever to turn.

Anyone know how the Hellcats and Demons are helping FCA’s sales on their more normal trims? Because I’d bet there’s a bump from the hype these things generate.

Whoever gets this, just know that I’m super jealous. That is one sweet NSX

Sure were a lot of clusters of cars where all the lanes were taken up by like 3 cars driving next to each other at the same speed. Oh yeah and the guy in the Challenger shouldn’t have done that.

This shit is so silly. It’s a road. Does it sound somewhat like music? Yes. Has anyone crashed or died? Not that I know of. Mission accomplished. Miracle accomplished is more like it. Now pave over it because Honda’s radio ads suck.

Oh yeah I forgot about that. They had some scheme where you could only lease them didn’t they? Would one call that death by poor marketing or something?

They paid the 20 cents extra at Home Depot for the good stuff.

I think the LFA’s didn’t sell because the dealers lacked motivation. Lexus dealers don’t get cool stuff like that all the time, and liked having them in the showroom.

If that’s actually Red Bull, that’s way too much Red Bull.

These pics are nice but I can’t tell if the car is champagne or silver and the pictures have a champagne filter :-/

‘Obama and Seth Meyers made fun of me so now I’m going to destroy Obamas legacy no matter what, hurt a lot of people, and probably end up in jail.’ Damn what an idiot.

6String is what textbook self righteousness sounds like. Take note of the behavior and the cause.

Those interest groups are why autonomous vehicles should be truly autonomous with owner influence on driving style instead of controlled by a central dispatch. If the power is there they’ll slow everyone to a crawl and claim it’s for safety and site a biased study. Then they’ll tell you to walk or ride a bike if you

So set it for up to 5 over and tell it to stay in the slowest two lanes on the highway. Boom, best driver ever.