Three-Fifths Compromise

White dudes ruin EVERYTHING.

I don’t have a problem with this because in most World War II games, you don’t see German flags with swastikas on them. You see German flags usually with the Iron Cross featured. Why? Because the swastika is considered offensive. Same thing for the Confederate battle flag, the difference is Nazi flags aren’t flown all

Gosh, Ben, I wonder what’s more embarrassing now.

You know who could have done it better? Nova (Sam Alexander version).

Which honorable people like the Confederate flag? I’ve yet to meet one!

The swastika symbolizes something to some people that doesn’t include racism or hatred either. Does that mean we should be flying it on public land?

His levels of creating shit movies when he is capable of giving the audience better is insulting. It's like he wants to see how shitty he can make a movie and still fleece ticket buyers. Vile.

I JUST wrote a post about how the “confederate flag is not racist” defense is bullshit because you have white people who are nowhere near from the south and they have this flag on their cars, on their homes, etc. It’s ridiculous.

Unfortunately stupid and obstinate is the perfect description of your average sports fan.

Does this really strike you like a lot of people are getting upset? Or people are having fun with it?

Sometimes a rolled up hundred dollar bill just isn’t fancy enough.

Actually, what they are officially saying on the youtube vid description is: “Play the game, based on the movie, based on the game!” I’m just running with their joke

Nothing more moving than seeing that sort of joy light up a kids face. Tears here as well.

Now playing

I remember my super nintendo.. we werent exactly well off and my mum was working alot of overtime so that i could have one for christmas with super mario all stars.. best christmas ever.. looking back now its not the super nintendo that i cherished it was the fact that my mum put in alot of hours in order for me have

Makes me really miss my dad even more. He used to do shit like that all the time when we were kids, I remember coming home from school to a Sega Genesis and like 3 games, another time before that, waking up to my dad sitting cross legged playing Zelda on the TV in our bed room. It was the first I’d seen of the

I cant even watch 5 seconds into this without crying.

Who could blame him? It was a freaking SNES. If someone brought me a sealed one today I’d probably owe them a Chewbacca life debt.

I’m amazed at the fools defending this idiot drawing his gun.