Three-Fifths Compromise

So I’ll get my pr people to call your pr people and we’ll organise a party for instagram. Don’t worry, Ill have photographers and filter pros on hand. Do you know any black girls? We need at least one at the party so I don’t look racialist.

Love Taylor

Agreed, Jezebel.com has been killing it lately...

I had a woman in my FB feed claiming literal tears over the CVS burning. She demanded executions! Not a peep about the churches though.

yea, dude, go fuck yourself.

We care about our dogs more than we do black people. We care about bags of chips being thrown on the ground more than we do black people. We sacrifice human beings at the altar of property first for the audacity of not wanting to be property and then for wanting to be treated as human.


nothing for me to say that you didn’t say already

The beginning of that last paragraph though..

Fucking goddamn right, Jia.

It’s something that’s bothered me for a while.

Clever? Sorry you feel that way. :/

Translation: blah blah blah blah cops good blah blah blah people bad blah blah blah hypothetical situation blah blah blah blah blah

White dudes ruin EVERYTHING.

I don’t have a problem with this because in most World War II games, you don’t see German flags with swastikas on them. You see German flags usually with the Iron Cross featured. Why? Because the swastika is considered offensive. Same thing for the Confederate battle flag, the difference is Nazi flags aren’t flown all

Gosh, Ben, I wonder what’s more embarrassing now.

Which honorable people like the Confederate flag? I’ve yet to meet one!

His levels of creating shit movies when he is capable of giving the audience better is insulting. It's like he wants to see how shitty he can make a movie and still fleece ticket buyers. Vile.

I JUST wrote a post about how the “confederate flag is not racist” defense is bullshit because you have white people who are nowhere near from the south and they have this flag on their cars, on their homes, etc. It’s ridiculous.

Unfortunately stupid and obstinate is the perfect description of your average sports fan.