Three-Fifths Compromise

Because you can be white and jewish. Minotirty doesnt eqaul POC.

I’m not sure why the problem of whitewashing of Jewish people is being brought up when Jerry Seinfeld is of European descent. Also, while Jewish people still face prejudice, they’re not at the same level of disadvantage of blacks, Hispanics, etc.

“Political correctness” literally just means “not being racist/sexist,” but as an insult. Nothing more.

9 times out of 10 it’s straight white men who complain about political correctness. They hate that they live in a world where they can no longer make disparaging comments about people that are not like them without repercussion. They want the freedom to disrespect others but of course we have to respect them because

Something like All In the Family and Married with Children wouldn’t be put on network television today. The crazy thing is, as ‘politically incorrect’ both those shows were, they were really making fun of small-minded and offensive people.

My understanding of PC= people generally respecting other people and taking other peoples perspective into consideration and really making an effort to try to understand and incorporate other peoples perspectives into one’s own worldview in an attempt to grow as a human being and have a more balanced and holistic

Mr. Seinfeld, respectfully, shut the fuck up.

Shorter version of what he said: “people aren’t allowed to say whatever they want without being called out for their b.s. anymore.”

You’re right the past hasn’t changed. There have always been talented science fiction writers of color racist pricks willingly ignore to bolster basic white writers.

Don’t have to tell me twice. The sooner people like that realize the world is changing the better for everyone.

I’m not familiar enough with Amy Schumer’s work (the show or her standup) to comment on whether her comedy is racist or if she engages in hipster racism, but Jez is pretty well-known for White Feminism, especially on articles that are not specifically about issues surrounding race.

Yes, but this is a white woman who makes women feel good about their bodies (despite the fact that the body Amy Schumer is embracing is really not fat or unconventional in any way).

Here’s a fun thought exercise for people who just adore Schumer’s tired, lame, racist Lisa Lampanelli-lite act:

I haven’t been here that long but it is rare in my experience people flat out ignore racial issues like happening here.


Completely illegitimate list until I see some color. No Octavia Butler, no Tanarive Due, no Amitov Ghosh, no Ryu Mitsuse, no..., no dice

Thirteen male writers, only two female writers and no writers of color. Unacceptable. You can do better.

Thanks. Maybe benefit of the doubt next time? That’s asking too much on the internet, isn’t it?
; )

Errr...re: your meme, meanie: I’m pretty aware of white folks’ systemic privilege. I’m not playing a tiny violin here. Just stating a cultural difference. Black women are better at seeing beauty in all sizes, full stop. And it does suck that white women feel this way...it’s not fucking slavery shitty, or systemic

The backup singer with the red lipstick........who is she? I feel like she is someone I know.....