I’d rock those! They’re just so cute!
It’s only been downhill because Takumi is the downhill specialist. We all know uphill it’s all about the FD3S
I sharded in my pants, good day!
That is infuriating, socks with sandals (all Crocs) just drives me mental. If your feet are cold wear damn shoes or boots!
Thanks Patrick for putting this up! I’ve had the most horrendous day, and these pics brought some sunshine on this otherwise shite day!
Well now HamburglarJesus3000 is my new password for something.
You can...and your ROI is promises about a dinner that never happens.
Tesla Is Spending $8,000 Every Minute: Report
Ohhhhh Torch torching idiots who don’t read the article!!! I like this!
My buddy in high school had one of these. We called it the Russian Lambo, when it worked it was a tank! When it didn’t work we’d all spend pitch in and try to fix whatever was wrong with it. At $7,500 it’s still CP. Fun but not $7,500 fun!
at least you tried...have a star!
I’m not into the whole Porsche air cooled madness... They’re nice and all but the prices are just outrageous. The one caveat is Singer, I know the prices are beyond mere mortals but the craftsmanship and attention to detail gets me. I appreciate them in all their absurdity because, lets face it, these are absurd! I’m…
I give them a wide berth as well...I live in Canada!
It could of been worse...at least a python isn’t venomous. If it was a brown or an inland taipan that would be worse. Gotta love the Aussies, their environment is actively trying to kill them and yet they have the best sense of humour I’ve ever encountered!