
I feel that this is the way forward with driverless vehicles. A holographic stereotypical NYC Italian male giving you the middle finger while honking and yelling “vaffanculo” would absolutely make my day!!

I’m not crying, it’s the dirt in the air that’s stinging my eyes!

My first time actually driving on my own (without sitting on my dad’s lap) was when I was 14ish...my mom’s friend was over at our house and they were drinking and having a good ol’ time. She asked me if I could move her car into the buildings parking lot because she parked on the street and didn’t want a ticket. I

Damn, I couldn’t of said it better myself. It’s a vicious circle of lies and mistrust on both sides here.

That Datsun gives me a happy feeling all over! Well except for the tire writing, it just seems out of place (but properly in place at SEMA).

So he’s building a rental car essentially? I mean ‘real world sports car’ is code for whatever cheap rental car you get while away on vacation/work/random trip.

His career in F&F just went like Dom in a quarter mile...10 seconds or less.

This! A track day car this should remain!! At $15k NP double that CP!

Sorry can’t help it. Every time I hear or see the word buffeting this pops into my mind. And to your point I agree 100%

I was thinking the exact same thing! I have my ‘97 Ninja that is sitting in my garage waiting for me to start taking her apart. This might be the motivation I’m looking for to finally start tearing it down!

I have Jesus’ first mix tape “Water into Funk” on parchment. I’m older!!

Yeah I get it but what show was that? I didn’t know if I should laugh or be serious even though I wanted to laugh.

WTF?!?! Did I just watch?!

Vodka and karaoke infused with a hint of pine...this is the Essence of...Kimi *breathy voice repeats Kimi*

I saw the title and thought $5500 might be alright I guess, turns out it’s an automatic and doesn’t have a bigger engine stuffed in it. CP if it was $2500 then NP all day but I can’t fork over my theoretical money for this. 

Damn!!!! If it was original I’d be booking a flight!! Still a looker especially in black!

mmmmmmmm!!! That still looks good today! I need to find one of those ASAP

The easiest answer is to get a bunch of bread and wine and just have a party. Rub some tomatoes in their as well or if you want fancy a little pesto would be pretty awesome.

I’m holding out for a Hellcat version...That way my whole family and the dog can burn rubber!

I’m pretty sure what we’re witnessing is the start of Airplane drifting. When oil rich kids run out of cars to drift what do you do? Drift planes!