Zeust the Mepsuan

Look, I don't know exactly what people do with laser pointers. I'm just saying that some people may point them in the air without the intention to blind a pilot or even shine at an airplane, but that they may still end up doing so if they don't know exactly where airplanes are flying.

I'm not saying it's a likely scenario but it is nonetheless possible (I estimate this would happen to about one person every thousand years, but in my opinion that's still one too many if that person is put in jail for it).

Texts are still useful in some situations, when you're not connected to the internet and/or the phone network is overloaded and you just have to get a message out. This will usually be during some kind of calamity, but it could also be when you have nothing with you but a phone which does not have a data plan.

What if you try to point your laser at the sun or moon or try to make drawings in the clouds or something, and you accidentally hit a plane?

If they have to keep everything from the entire lecture on the blackboard it is guaranteed to get messy. When I took QM the lecturer used two blackboards and when both were full she would erase and reuse the blackboard which has been showing the same stuff longest. And believe me that happened about 5-15 times per

That's a problem for future research to tackle, I guess. If they can eventually turn this into a highly efficient form of synthetic photosynthesis that probably solves all fuel and environment related problems in the world.

Why why why does everything have to be software-driven these days Pure hardware devices are way more efficient, plus they don't need firmware upgrades.

All links on Google search also point to a forwarding page which checks if the page is safe, fyi.

So the phone got bigger, does that mean it won't work with the previous iteration of the tablet dock? If so, shame on you Asus, you just told customers they have to upgrade their tablet if they want to upgrade their phone. I think a lot of potential buyers were waiting to see what Asus would do about backwards

Ok that actually makes sense and might add a layer of security. Thanks for pointing that out.

Will the OMAP processors remain their relatively open nature (i.e. the datasheets are public for anyone to see)?

Correct me if I'm wrong but from what I've read in this article I conclude Amazon is only potentially buying the OMAP chip division and not the calculator division. So don't expect a sudden price drop in calculators because of this.

I think on the internet this will never be more secure than a password. Before being sent to the authentication method the scan has to be encoded which effectively turns it into a password (not just any password but one you can never change, and also you can't use different ones for different services). In local

If she had deserved that she probably wouldn't be getting an ipad for her birthday anyways. Other than that I think it might be a pretty effective way of correcting her behaviour (also a cruel one but that's what makes it effective).

Though I can see how this makes sense as default settings I definitely think the user should be able to override this behaviour. But then again, what are the odds of them actually sticking with IE?

Google didn't make Google the market leader at search, the consumers did. And they can easily leave if Google does something they don't like. So let's leave the punishing to the consumers and not law enforcement.

Microsoft did have a more powerful position than Google has now because all OEMs except Apple only shipped pc's with Windows. Still users were free to use something else so there too I would say they don't have a monopoly and are free to bundle their products together, especially considering that one of those products

Except Google doesn't have a monopoly in web search, nor anywhere else probably. There are plenty alternatives which provide decent web search as well and they are just as accessable. Also there aren't any OEMs or so locking you into google search, though they often do make it even easier to use google search by

One thing you might see when observing your surroundings is someone who is looking at his screen. Simultaneously he is waiting for the bus but he misses the bus because he can't stop looking at his screen.

I encountered something similar on my laptop 5-10 years ago on my old laptop. First thing I did was download AVG to remove the virus which was impersonating some antivirus app I'd never heard of and I'd certainly not installed myself. If an antivirus pops up which you have not installed it is definitely a virus,