Zeust the Mepsuan

When you have to deal with a lot of mathematical equations, like in engineering, writing by hand still beats all the crappy ways of inputting said equations into a computer. As a result the rest of the document containing those equations is also written by hand.

Use a USB extension cord and tape the 3G/4G stick to a place where it does not get in the way and/or has optimal reception. Problem solved (at least until you switch your tablets orientation). If you want to make it multiple-orientation proof, maybe you can use velcro or something similar instead of tape so you can

Agreed, though I'd have Liquavista instead of Mirasol. I hear Mirasol has horrible power consumption at high framerates (I believe almost backlit LCD equivalent at 30 fps). Mirasol would be great for a multifunctional ereader though, since at low framerates it is even more efficient than e-ink.

They didn't patent computer glasses, they patented computer glasses with trackpads.

Second that. I gazed in awe.

"unlocked phones are terribly pricey"

It would probably be wise to save a raw dataset and process it on several systems. That way the results - and also any intermediate variables - should come out exactly the same if the problem was not there. This quickly points out where something goes wrong and where nothing goes wrong, easing the debugging process

Me too

"WooSun Yoon, a Principal Engineer"

So basically, he had the opportunity of infinite overdraft due to technological faillure. Why didn't he choose a strategy which guarantees eventually winning more than he lost as long as he has an infinite supply of money? He would be easily able to pay back the overdraft and put the rest of his winnings in his own

My best guess is they are using it as some kind of size reference (or it came in the same set as the base plate or something). It does not look like it is actually part of the key holder.

I totally agree. A high enough level of recursion would make this thing quite a nice nerd thingy, and I don't think it would scare away anyone who is already interested as the thing is now either.

Would a simple infrared led also attract mosquitoes? If so, you could just mount one in a wasp catcher-like structure, hook up a battery and the mosquitoes will be trapped with no food and water and eventually die. Probably the most low cost way of killing them, though it requires some diy (possibly soldering) and I

"What is the sum of the day, month and year of towel day during the year the ultimate question to life, the universe and everything is revealed?"

In fact, Microsoft is free to copy-paste Linux code into Windows if they make Windows open source. Of course this will not happen because Microsoft wants to make money from selling Windows. Android, however, IS open source and therefore has the right to use code from other open source projects, assuming the licenses

I use ICS on my notion ink adam tablet. Though not (yet) an official release (it's still in beta), it is somehow supported by Notion Ink. I really like it, though with Froyo as the only thing to compare it with one could hardly expect any different. What I like even more is that I now have access to the android market

Ok, maybe I agree with you on this one. At least this thing does not look half as cool as the G-shock phone.

All those tv shows where every geek knows everything about sf stuff and comics etc. made me think I am quite a lousy geek, but this graphic reveals I am in fact the ubergeek to rule you all. Muhahahaha :D

Click the link, not the image. Or click the image and replace 'medium.jpg' with 'original.jpg' in the url.

Geany is also my favorite, especially when working with projects consisting of multiple files. It is almost a full-featured IDEwhile starting up even faster than Gedit. I find it less convenient when working withjust a single file though, in which case I usually revert to Gedit.