Four and a half minutes of a Hallmark card come to life: the treacle quotient is just off the charts with this one. It's like Ben Folds "The Luckiest" except marauding under a silky, velvety, bouquet-of-roses veneer of sophistication.
Four and a half minutes of a Hallmark card come to life: the treacle quotient is just off the charts with this one. It's like Ben Folds "The Luckiest" except marauding under a silky, velvety, bouquet-of-roses veneer of sophistication.
Rest up and get well KD. Maybe this added injury time will give you a chance to finish exploring Oklahoma City. Plus after doing that for 30 minutes you can watch The Sopranos or something.
Also fair points, all things to consider. Often times it feels like people just try to summarize the movie as either "Bad" or "Good" without context.
Let's give it a week and see how it plays out.
Unnecessarily specific clauses is like 85% of most contracts, so I wouldn't be surprised if you're right.
Sounds like this is off the table. To claim the full insurance they can't release it at all.
Movie reviews are all over the place because of this. Expectation are a moving target for movies depending on how someone decides to grade it.
I'm going to assume giving credit to Churchill on that quote was a joke, because I like to assume the best about people I don't know.
I showed up here just to recommend every single comment ripping you up.
I applaud the effort, but I think the joke you were looking for is "There is more than 1 road to take in Nebraska?"
vertically ascend? Do you mean the multiple missions that have ascended to the space station in LEO? They've also leanded upright after flying thousands of feet in the air.
Of all the gripes I hear people try to say about Musk, this is the only one that I think is accurate and I agree with.
Except for about 1000% more exciting to actually talk about.
Tesla makes cars.
This is the yin to a Charles C. Johnson story yang.
Almost replied to this until I saw your username.
Hot take is hot. And accurate.
The 12th party is the one where they finally got a taller fence and better security.
"Roger Goodell ... is basically a potted plant"
Note the ME he highlighted in "soMEone". Typical showboat, making the story about himself just because it is a story about himself.