
If he wants to be an Olympian he should be looking at bobsled. Herschel Walker is the most widely known, but a number of football players have successfully crossed over.

Peterson ran a 4.4 40 at the combine; that was 8 years ago. If he maintains that 40 time now, he puts in a 22 second 200 meters. That would put him 2 seconds off the winning 200 time in last year's US Championships.

Nice digging Deadspin, I see you finally got the footage of the practice Kobe was bitching about earlier in the week.

Charlton Heston blows up the Death Star at the end.

A very serious oversight.

Let's be clear here: FSU will always stand for "Free Shoes University"

The Ohio Satan University.

It's just too bad these guys were born 70 years too early to be able the live-tweet the time they went the wrong bowl game but still got to watch it for free. That would have made for a pretty great Deadspin post.

If Christian Bale was named Muslim Bale - hey prob would have made another Batman! Snyder was obvi anti-Christian! #FuckAffleck

sounds like a dingo would fuck you up too tho

They'll ruin your fucking life. Give you that WWI death.

Also, this summarizes my official reaction as a Fresno resident (Fresnin? I've only been here 2 years)

"Uhm, what about us?"

Western Canadians, Mr. Kdot. Western Canadians most definitely have time for that shit.

You're going to get a very sternly worded letter from the owner of a boutique artisinal sarsaparilla shop in Williamsburg.

Regardless of rank, people who call it pop are assholes.

In reverse, he's like the goose who laid the golden... nacho.