
I actually enjoyed The Lone Ranger; yes, it was about an hour and a half too long (and that hour and a half came at the beginning) and Armie Hammer is wooden as all get-out. But...I'm a sucker for action scenes on a train, and said climactic scene was scored to the William Tell Overture on repeat with no modifications

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Dan Snyder finds out what the next hot thing is by reaching up and touching the stovetop.

Based on a very cursory search the prison hotel sounds like San Pedro prison in Bolivia. If you read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/San_Pedro… it makes it sound like one of the last places on Earth I'd like to spend a night.

There Will Be Blood

Barry, you're vastly over-simplifying the process. The Redskins don't just "get" jokes. First, they have to be free-agents. Next, you negotiate the contract. Then, you get them.

I'm imagining the whole voting process to look like this:

League of Penile?

Hey, that's nothing. Eastern Wisconsin also mispronounces "professional basketball team" as "Milwaukee Bucks."

Do NOT fuck this up, people.

Having Thanksgiving more than a month ahead of the United States is what makes Canada such a happy place. That, and clean air. And their healthcare system.

i don't know if i have the kinda cred around here to suggest nominations, but the sentient golf cart had me laughing for days

The shitstorm is brewin' boys

I've found Jazz, Blues, and Classic to help me relax while driving. On the other hand, while listening to metal/rock/rap...

Gluten Free? Then it's for me!

Owner of the Atlanta Braves: Liberty Media.

National team nicknames technically aren't official, the fanbase and announcers starts using it and it sticks. The All Whites are so named due to the fact that they wore all white during 1982 World Cup Qualifiers and because their rugby team is called the "All Blacks". Basically, constantly referring to a country's

These names are created by society/ fans. I'm American, my parent's Mexican. I can't speak on behalf of European nations or any nation outside of the Hispanic community, for that mater. However, in Latin-American countries, nicknames are very, very common and the weirder, the better. The current Mexican coach's