
Amazeballs and hot!

Also, the actress who plays Belle is terrible.

It's a massive shame that Lily stopped doing her reviews for this show midway through this season - they were so funny and so on point.

It's "good" characters are also generally highly irritating - The Charmings being the worst offenders.

Good point, although Minnick can be right within the context of the show but still be unlikeable.

Also they better not kill off Stephanie and atleast give her a good exit. A Cristina-esque one where she leaves the show for better things.

I actually really liked Lucy Knight and cried when they killed her off :(

"Apparently, we’re supposed to think Fitz and Rowan fixed the situation by killing two members of a large organization that, according to Samantha, had a massive infrastructure. We still don’t know anything about this organization or their aims, but there will definitely be two people to replace Paeus and Samantha at

The joke was being made at Trump's expense, implying he's the subordinate, not Putin.

"Cheryl’s line about her mom walking into a door might be the casually darkest joke this show’s ever tossed off."

Hopefully this will be addressed next week - like the reviewer said above, perhaps with some flashbacks at the start of the episode to explain.

hahaha, it's the little things, isn't it?

Maybe Gator meant sugary, as in a bit shallow and fluffy? I don't watch Supergirl so don't know if that's a good guess but it seemed like a reasonable brainfart/typo to make.

That doesn't take away from Selarom's point that it was unexpected…

I enjoyed the episode (perhaps because I wasn't really engaging my brain), but I can't fault a single point raised in the above summary review.

"Didn't Olivia and her team used to help others with political problems?"

"it's getting kinda silly seeing this question"

Wait - the only reason you're still watching this show is Jasper? Probably the single worst and most annoying character on the show?!

This has definitely been the season of brain matter - possibly the goriest season ever; I suppose that's some kind of accolade, right? RIGHT?

"All of a sudden Olivia is eaten up with concern about Papa Pope's
well-being. Two or three seasons ago she was all about "find him, catch
him and kill him". What brought her from point A to point B?"