Well, I suppose that's one way to save on future dry cleaning bills.
Well, I suppose that's one way to save on future dry cleaning bills.
I think 20-something episode seasons is the undoing of most shows. Better to have a shorter run of 10-12 episodes, or do what AoS is doing here, with it's distinctive arcs/seasons within seasons.
I momentarily forgot about the actual character of Jesus on the show and thought you were being sassy and meaning The Jesus - made me laugh
I'm not sure TWD has "jumped the shark", rather it's plotting and execution are weak rather than outlandish and ridiculous.
Yeah, the Governor had nuance and backstory, along with an intriguing set-up that involved that scientist guy and the weird zombie fights.
To be fair, I feel like you're being too black and white with regards to Abby.
Couldn't you argue that Abby has put together context clues from all the experimenting she's been doing on the blood, etc? Extrapolating to see that it wouldn't actually work? Surely this is the reason behind Raven's blatant lampshading of the association ("just like I saw the rocket")…
I agree we need to know more about the new villains, but I also have the problem that I hate the new villains - particularly the woman who is terrible and not in the way villains need to be. I suspect it could well be just a case of miscasting… combined with the fact the show is quickly going down the shitter.
But it's worse than that: she specifically questioned the strings attached to this offer in their initial meeting and yet she STILL went for it.
I found that a little jarring since didn't Maggie say a couple of episodes ago that her mother was really strict and uptight about all things like that?
I think you're being too kind on the show as that isn't what was shown. Maggie was clearly seen in the background struggling with the walker and there was no suggestion it was intentional stalling. Furthermore, the ninja zombie appeared after Maggie had attacked the initial zombie.
All the more ridiculous and convenient when in the last couple of episodes we've seen Sasha, Rosita, and Carol all polish off zombies without pausing for breath.
Well, one could argue that all languages are just a suggestion about how best to communicate.
LOL at you criticising English as awful when it is the parent of the bastard child that is American English. Americans have plenty of terrible pronunciations of their own - off the top of my head: water, mirror, duty, Aluminium.
I was thinking about that, that if they do make Daryl gay, then that scene of them in the woods setting the explosives featured four gay male characters and no straight characters - quite something. As it is, it was 75% homo.
Also, re: ninja zombies, Maggie was surprisingly slow and inept at taking out that singular zombie when Gregory got floored by said ninja zombie. It's lame how these veteran and skilled fighters are suddenly inept when the plot requires it.
They entirely glossed over it.
I initially liked the character of Quinn, but then she supposedly became a trained killer and I just refuse to believe it. I don't know if it's the actress, how the part is written, or a combination of the two, but I do not believe her as a killer - not for one second.
Man, I loved Southland. Wish it was still on air.
The weight issue was something I also thought - especially as a trained operative who's used to feeling the weight of a loaded gun vs it being entirely empty.