Absolutely. He appears to have only the one facial expression. Gaga may be a little amateur (especially alongside people like Bates, Bassett and O'Hare), but at least she's showing - or at least trying to show - other emotions.
Absolutely. He appears to have only the one facial expression. Gaga may be a little amateur (especially alongside people like Bates, Bassett and O'Hare), but at least she's showing - or at least trying to show - other emotions.
Another great episode - I'm particularly happy that they've more directly addressed Nate's sexuality this episode. Clearly he's still lying to his ex-girlfriend, since casual hook-ups whose names you can't remember don't give you keys to their homes! I suspect someone else will find out about Nate in the finale,…
As I say, I don't need there to be an LGBT character in AOS for me to continue to enjoy it, but now he's been introduced (whatever the reasoning), it would be a shame to not use the opportunity.
Congratulations on missing the point.
I truly hope you're wrong about Joey. Keeping him alive in the background for this long, only to have him bumped off would be irritating - particularly as he's the only LGBT character on SHIELD.
I think the writers forgot about it within 5 minutes, let alone one episode.
- "Hell, a random new male associate hitting on him offered more
interesting storylines than him hooking up with Lucca (who, for the
purposes of this story, is just a blatant Kalinda replacement)"
Interesting theory!
Yeah, he was one of the new hires. I only know that because Diane made some dig about him to Cary after that guy offered to carry Diane's boxes, etc… something about "these are the brightest?".
Agreed, apart from Rosita - I think her acting has been fine.
I love the phrase "falling down a flight of MC Escher stairs"; I need to try and incorporate this into conversation one day.
Agreed on your summary. People here rating this episode an F have their panties in a bunch because of the Glenn situation.
100% this. His character is unbearable - a wet blanket and a complete waste of space. His character isn't even interesting; he's just a coward and a religious one at that. I can't help but eye roll when I see him on screen.
Kids shouldn't be allowed on adult shows. I haven't liked Carl since the first season and this bullshit with Ron is just making things worse.
I could very easily do without Koral and his stupid hair, to be honest
That's what I find weird/annoying too - Anika has gone from being a pretty bad bitch to being a bit of a wet blanket, albeit a scheming wet blanket.
I agree with Danette about how Christina is kind of in limbo right now, and I hope the writers put her to good use as the actress is great (like the whole cast). I get the feeling she's going to slip into bad habits (more prostitution), which will undoubtedly get her into trouble.
But his pretending to be gay didn't actually make sense as a reality for the show/plot - it served no purpose. Boone laboured the point to Gigi that he'd pretended to be gay as part of his contribution to the master plan, but there was absolutely no need for him to do this.
He clearly stated during his argument with Gigi just before his actual death that he pretended to be gay and made out like it was a significant deal, using it as evidence for his commitment to the plan. If he were bi there'd be no pretending/effort involved in expressing a same-sex attraction, and therefore wouldn't…
Also, are we certain he controls metal rather than having general telekinesis?