“person who was talked town from doing this”
Dunno how true this is, but I’ve read that the overwhelming number of people who survive a jump from the Golden Gate Bridge (admittedly a small number) report that the thought that goes through their mind as they are falling is that their problems weren’t all that serious to warrant suicide.
From day one, I called scam.
How does he claim he did NHTSA crash testing when his so called “Car”, is classified as a motorcycle because it is three wheeled? NHTSA does NOT crash test motorcycles.
How does he accept HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars for reserving cars for YEARS without delivering a product to ANYONE?
I don’t get Elio at all. I mean, it’s a three-wheeled mini car with conventional engine and rudimentary steel tube frame (or at least that’s what it looks like from the prototype). A handy person in his/her garage can build one. I understand that it’s very very complicated to create a production line and supply chain,…
Careful, you might fall backwards into a presidency
God I wish I could sell bullshit as well as Paul Elio
Someone must of photo shopped the pic. Because I don’t see any pot holes on that Michigan highway.
Because the trailer ends a few feet behind the cab of the truck.
Your argument is valid and cogent with one exception: Artificially low speed limits.
Fuck speed cameras.
Or you can dislike speed cameras as the craven, revenue generation devices they are, while also understanding that speeding may cause you to get a ticket.
Oh please. They may have sanitized their online stores in the last few months, but you used to be able to buy confederate flags, bandannas, and decals in every HD dealership coast-to-coast, north and south, not to mention all the covert winking and insinuations that went hand in hand with the various owners clubs.…
Gen Xers are a lot like the Silent Generation of old. Fucked both ways by the demographics either side of them.
You go into their store and they try to talk your choice of bike down unless you get the most expensive one. You get off a different bike and they tell you that they’re glad you’re choosing to get a “real” bike. You wave to a harley rider and 50% of the time they don’t wave back.
1st Gear: I think it has little to do with Millennials not wanting what their parents have and more having to do with the fact that there aren’t a whole lot of Millennials that have $40K burning a hole in their pocket for a weekend toy.
I hope Harley goes out of business. I hate their bikes, and loathe most of their clientele.
The Chinese car market is all about the appearance of wealth, and cars in China can cost 3x or more what they cost in the US. If a LWB A-Class is $120,000, and a C-Class is $160,000, plenty of people will try to impress their neighbors and save a pile of yuan at the same time.
As someone who has an E-class with those screens, I’d like to disagree with every statement you’ve made. Its not distracting, nor difficult to see, and the image quality is better than basically any other offering beside tesla.
So...a C-class?