Gawn Til November

There is some ‘truth’ to the idea of cancel culture, but its really not different than any other weaponized efforts to silence someone into submission. The main difference is theres a huge digital component to it now a days.

I hate that this has become such a spectacle. They are basically leading everyone to a very disappoint season finale. Chauvin walk, the ‘blue lives matter’ proud boys, and white conversative cheer...

1992 all over again.

Damn, how long overdue was his bill? They normally wait months before cutting your power.

So she might not be able to get a Tesla right now kinda thing huh. My Brother in law talks about feeling poor. Dude owns 2 homes and 2 teslas. 

I feel like your point was that they were insignificant compared to Woody Allen. 

what is ‘broke’ for celebrities? because I feel broke because I cant afford a house. And honestly, I’m not that broke, rather comfortable really.

um, thats literally the point.

Correction. He’s a rich white famous white man with a voice. The accusers are has-beens and nobodies.

SO thats what Trump meant by locker room talk. Police Locker Room. Go figure.

We should probable be honest. The war against racism, systemic racism pretty much is over. And sadly we lost.

Because if A white guy, showing up to 3 separate ASIAN massage parlors, where he shoot and killed multiple Asian women isnt enough to convince people “racism in America”... nothing really will.

I mean, I’d never be caught listening to that song. UNLESS I were at a club. The song is trash, but one of the most popular in the world.

Not to mention, they described Pepe la pew scene as dealing with sexual harassments and restraining orders................ In a Kids adventure Movie About Basketball. I’m pretty sure they were like “hmm, this scene does nothing for the main plot of the movie”

Deleted scenes happen........... GET OVER IT! NO ONE

I think I would honestly never hear about this song if it werent for fox “news”

In a shocking twist. The shooter claims no responsibility for his actions. It was the evil women made me do it!

This whole war on wap is so ridic. We are returning to the true to form conservative cancelation strat of “Wont Someone Think Of The Children

You dont like WAP? Dont listen. You dont want your children listening to WAP? then be a parent. Dont think WAP is good music? Fund/create ‘better’ music.

Friggin reactionary right wingers quite literally trying to cancel WAP under the guise of “Save The Children”. BISH, IF YOUR CHILDREN HAVE ACCESS TO WAP YOURE THE PROBLEM.

I mean Ive been outta high school for about 2 decades, so Cheer leading hasnt been present in my life unless I went to specific cheer competitions (where I used to work). It never dawned on me those cheer teams may not have been from actual high schools. So I honestly couldnt say 1 way or the other.

I’m not for the ‘punish them all’ per se, but I do believe for ‘evil to flourish’ it would take good men to do nothing (this is from something, but i dont remember the exact quote). That is to say, unless their teammate is manic and has episodes, that behavior was probably well known and well tolerated.

Oh I know its not the south. I just didnt reread what I wrote, shoulda said especially in small towns in the south. meh win some lose some.

But yea, that is a bit weird, I didnt understand traveling team isnt part of high school. Probably still get the same kind of stigma, never really heard of non-highschool

For yall that are completely confused. “Friday Night Lights” is a really real thing in the south, especially small towns. The football team and cheer squad might as well be the center of their city, especially in small towns.