Gawn Til November

fail nothing, that is the HARDEST game to beat without the 30 lives code. Seriously.

Riot has been doing this recently.

You have 1.0 champs whose kit is pretty much lack luster compared to 2.0 champs like Ekko.
You look at a champ like Caitlyn and compare her to Ekko. You see a major difference in passives and ‘extra’ abilities.

Oh you’re lucky.
I will say it doesnt happen as much these days. I mean you’re always gonna get whiners, complainers, but the worst is the AFKers who AFK, but purposely do enough to not DC.

Or the ‘solo laners’ who, regardless the situation, are pushing a solo lane even if you’re core is under attack.

I agreed that teamcomp was important before you even went on, but its more flexible than other games.

I see you believe your own nonsense, and I’m still gonna disagree. 80% of the champs, exceptions being the newer champs who havent quite been worked out, has flexibility. Vikings can easily take out an Kael or Janna if

I disagree. I will say, though, back in Alpha, player environment was much better. I actually dont think it started getting back until the second beta phase. So mid way thru beta-ish.

I definitely disagree with being more important. You can build champs all differently to fulfill the role needed for that specific match, as a counter or whatever. Dont really care to go into detail, but yea.

but if you AFK, you get auto dced. It basically tells you (you have 20 seconds to do something)

Another Pro: DCed characters are turned into bots..... Possible con too, but a bot healer is better than a non present healer.... I think anyway.

THANK YOU, so many people “GGing” (whining) after being 2 levels down.

I disagree with ya on this. Team comp isnt as important as other games, but definitely one team comp will completely mow down another, especially in ‘solo queue’. People don’t pick abilities that benefit the team as much as they SHOULD

As much as I like this game, this game has a much more toxic pool of players. Because you do group leveling, when a person camps base (when they say ‘gg’ about 5 minutes in) it basically brings down the entire team.

Might just be me, but I’m hoping for a MMO experience. One of the most interesting things about Fallout is the world, but there only being 1 ‘real player’. It be cool if others could affect the world around you too... just saying.

most death passives are useless.... Only real exception I can think of is Karthus.

Personally, I think its worse than LOL. In this game, people give up early BUT theres no surrender, which wouldnt be that bad but they purposely ‘refuse to leave’. Because if they did leave, their hero would be turned into an AI.. While not perfect, is preferred to a non-cooperative teammate.

Its very different than ‘traditional’ mobas.
The best way I can explain it, is by comparing it to the fighting game genre. Where as you’re more traditional fighters are street fighter and mortal kombat, H.O.T.S. would be the smash bros of mobas.

Very non-traditional in a sense. The mechanics that are normally found in


But on a serious note, PLEASE do not give up before the match is over. You can turn around most matches the way abilities and leveling up works. One bad thing about the HOTS community, is TOO many people give up far to early essentially making your team lose before the match was actually

surprise he didnt hear him walking up on him. When I play this with headphones, you can hear just about a pin drop.

AND the HOTS community goes from BAD, to worse.....

hopefully not tho

I dont think of myself as special or unique, but I REALLY detest being to referred to as black.... To each his or her own about how they feel about the term, I personally dont like ‘black’, specifically because of its associative words. (dark, murky, evil, dirty, etc).

definitely one of the best games that came out recently, I just cant play essentially the same missions over and over.