They clearly suffer from Allfuenza
They clearly suffer from Allfuenza
How did this translate to me
"We gave niggaz the thumbs up..... I GUESS we can go ahead gays one too.... maybe"
I dont see what makes this any dumber than any jewelry. Bronzed shoes, Gold Watches, Diamond Earings. meh, to each their own
While I play more HOTS than LOL, I'd have to say LOL is the better all around game.
I think it really depends on who the people are. I've actually had something like this happen once, super overwhelming. I always felt like "This feels like a TV show.... seriously"
Rent or buy was an easy one for me, So Cali makes it impossible to buy!
Vote definitely goes to Googple Plus. While its not the prettiest, the little things G+ does, (auto awesome, stories, motion, fix smile) is awesome. Plus you can share to those outside of g+, and all it really requires is a gmail account.
I should probably mention club Azul is a Latin American Club.
A girl I slept, who is actually really good at sex, and having it, where ever we can have it..
WELL its recently dawned on me that shes probably racist, or saves her prejudice for specific races (which would still make her racist). And I dont mean racist like she makes the occasional racist joke, but racist in the…
Well, I'd agree on the Facebook Profile photo and "sober state"
So many thing wrongs with anal play to me. Mostly, Shit comes out of the ass. I cannot get past that. As a result, I dont like the idea of sticking my penis, tongue, or fingers in anyones anus. Some reason I'm uncomfortable with anyon doing it to me. makes me shudder.
Hmm, I havent lost to a diddy yet tho. And the problem I did have with him was some stupid downhit he kept getting me with. Mostly ok though.
to me, its all about having a fun match. You accidentally kill yourself isnt a victory for me. If you falling off is the result of me keeping you from recovering, fair game.
I'd rather win by me winning vs you making a mistake.
DISAGREE. I hated Jello shots until I started making them. The Jello shos I've made are GOOD compared to the ones i've had.
I'd personally give people who live with their parents a break. My wife lived with her family until she moved in with me. Currently all her siblings still live at home ranging from ages 29-13.
Dont get me wrong, its mind boggling to me that so many people still live with their parents. I hit 18, moved out, and never…
more complicated?
I think the more widely used and 'useful' would be it.
still ruby on the rails was a bit unexpected.
versatile, yes, but also limited at the same time. My current setup isnt supported by OBS.. very disappointing really.
While I do think this would improve performance in the game for those who are still playing, and those who are about to start playing, I think a lot of people still arent going to go back to the game.
Best nintendo ad ever!
double edge sword. To deal with a problem you have to acknowledge the problem. Sure this publicity is giving him power, at the SAME time, it gets the ball rolling to hopefully deal with him.