Actually it is.
Plenty of cultures have painted their faces for years to celebrate. Whether it be Kabuki theater in the early 1600s, or Halloween today. Its a fairly common practice to as far as facepainting to imitate and celebrate something.
Actually it is.
Plenty of cultures have painted their faces for years to celebrate. Whether it be Kabuki theater in the early 1600s, or Halloween today. Its a fairly common practice to as far as facepainting to imitate and celebrate something.
Dunno, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. We are just so hung up on the 'what' we have a hard time focusing on the 'why'.
Oh I have a couple of albino cousins that have the same general complexion, so it would be a lil weird at first.
Its only uncanny valley if you knew. Otherwise, I would of been convinced.
In defense of that movie...... It is actually kinda funny.
I personally dont think its all bad.
Blackface got a bad wrap because it was created out of hate and racism. Because of this, all 'color-faces' are guilty by association.
Nick Cannon is a 'celebrity-entertainer'. Basically a famous face that sells because hes famous. I'n not saying hes a terrible wrapper or actor, he does a decent job at what he does, but his real talent is entertaining.
This is interesting. He looks like a tanned albino.
Anyone ever see Black.White. Interesting show.
I totally respect your opinion, but, to me, Cops get a huge level of respect and admiration they do NOT deserve. I think its so bad, a huge portion of the population has that 'cops can do no harm' attitude and a lot of these cops get off (no pun intended) in these cases.
My favorite (but old) example can be found here…
yea that, Sniper Wolf.
There are too many great characters/boss fights in Metal Gear Solid Series.
When it comes to women and sex, you're either a good girl (obedient to the male gaze) , or a whore, and unfortunately "Whores dont get a second chance."
Lets say "I'm holding my thor's hammer and I accidentally.... drop it"
Nerdy Sexual innuendo?
sometimes you NEED english dubs. Some things are lost in translations. I remember watching Soul Eater and not getting that Death's voice is supposed to sound goofy.
Well, dont wanna say that wasnt cool, but check this out.
screw tiny.. heh heh heh.
obviously an oversimplifications. I've backed about 5 or 6 projects. Most have delivered exactly what I expected. Others, it was someone I knew and it was really just a 'friend donation'
I donated to Ouya (which I actually like, too bad for the bad press), several i'd say successful youtube series, and the Veronica…
I had a friend who was 'seeing/dating/fucking (whatever people do these days' a guy who told us this story.
They need to bring back Violent Ken!
I disagree.