Pretty Much where Super Mario Bros. movie was headed, if you recall the ending
Pretty Much where Super Mario Bros. movie was headed, if you recall the ending
Hmm, Saddly, I mostly play Resogun. doesnt look nearly as fun as it is.
Thats why they refer to is as an E-sport.
well semi because it says "you got 4/40", when I got 4/5. Soon as i get the first wrong, it kicks me out. Wasnt sure if thats intentional, or glitch somewhere
I'd say rap vs hip-hop, but yea.
semi confused, does it always kick you out after the first wrong answer?
possible silly question, but i want to gift this to someone, what do I do?
not to sound stupid, but I feel like I could pretty much hold a law suit against 85% of TV if this is the case.
Well shes right on one thing. The thought that Santa should be a Penguin is preposterous.
but EA bought the THQ portion of UFC (or however it works) I thought. I figured if anything, its gonna be very similar to that.
As someone who talks shit like a second language, this is ridiculous.
I find it quite weird that people shoot for nanny first (when dealing with generally speaking with darker colored minorities).
hahaha, yea. MY wife too often gets "oh where are you from? (LA) no no, where are you REALLY from?"
Yea, I currently have youtube channels, I do as hobbys (100K views, 40K on the other, so I feel I'm doing fine).
As a hobby, its SO hard, especially juggline work, school, and my channels. I prolly worked just as much on my channels as i did school and work, and eventually had to back away from the channels. I give…
So modeling, musician, artist , acting, and photography, not real job?
youre completely wrong on that "different than radio" dunno about tv though no experience there.
as a "Youtuber" I can tell you, youtubing is harder than most jobs. People don't realize the amount of effort involved in a lot of these youtube channels.
1- content
2- consistency
3- grabbing an audience
4- vid editing