now that IS cool. Ill give Wii +1 for semi portability.
now that IS cool. Ill give Wii +1 for semi portability.
hahaha Lying? cute.
looking worse? Games on console look fine and pretty much perfect. If we were comparing a Wii and a PC maybe I'd understand this point better.
as someone with a PC whose video card alone cost more than a Ps4, I dont like playing most games on computer. I prefer consoles over PC when it comes to gaming.
Humors clip, VERY old along the same subject line, makes me laugh.
I disagree, that ad is SO powerful that you posted it online to essentially do what they were trying to do when they created the ad. Get peoples attention and spread it to as many people as possible.
but thats just me.
But I think it goes back to the existential philosophy of "to be, or not to be". People want to feel they exist, people want to be noticed (Sure some people want to be seen thru a certain light, but thats ok right?). People want/need to validate their existense to make their efforts mean something.
If I've slept for awhile, I can 'feel' myself waiting around for the alarm to go off.
haha, the tone comes off a lil differently. MY MISTAKE.
statistically speaking, yes.
I think its a complicated situation, but relationships and sex is complicated in general.
its amazing.
I'm with you.
I'm excited, but she does look like shes 16....
Please tell me I'm not gonna have to keep switching between my PS3 &4!
correct, its an eSport
You have to get used to having a different life.
I remember at Disney World when I was a kid (or something similar, I'm pretty sure it was disney tho) they showed this 'how babys were created' vid. It implied that the husband and wife just being around each other resulted in a sort of immaculate conception.
Oh its totally awesome, beyond amazing what they did
EH, i think its definitely to each his/her own. My wife had shown pregnant about 3 years before we got married (and MANY MANY MANY years before we will be ready to have kids). We were pretty sure because 4/5 test came out positive