Gawn Til November

I like the idea behind this... but it makes me fear for her safety

Its was a lose lose situation from the start.

I disagree. I would never accept dirty money, out of pride of why they are there. I imagine they could make better and quicker money by hiring a bunch of strippers throwing a bunch of 'girls gone wild' parties... but thats dirty money (not implying stripping is a dirty profession, another conversation for another day).

I think this was a MUCH needed game during the

Because Sim City is top notch in comparison.

He made the gif, what more did you want?

No, I know what you mean, its the commercialization of the month is what you're referring to. And the commercialization of most days & months have watered down the experience.


I'd argue, what they are doing is hurting. Doing something with you and one other person is fine, doing something like this, posting it on youtube for the public to see can be VERY harmful.

I disagree with being superficial. Cinco de mayo is a superficial holiday. BCAM is the time to recognize there is a problem that isnt getting nearly enough attention that affects MORE than half of our population

Wow... I dont know whats wronger.

eh, my crappy boss is rather tame compared to others. But basically being micromanaged sucks.

wow, wouldnt been better to leave it as 1 giant screen and just do 'software screen splitting' vs hard screen splitting?

he basically cant die now..... Turned into a complete skeleton, lives to tell about it.

I'm assuming you're not familiar with "defense mechanisms" and deflections. It doesnt matter 'fairness level', it still serves as deflection. Even if you repeat the exact same question or something in context, etc, its deflecting to avoid answering the question.

I'm not sure how to answer that question. Are you familiar with "defense mechanism" and deflecting?

Theres a lot of deflection here, seems like you're on the defensive right away.
I get the 'trying to show it from a different angle', but you can do that without deflecting so much.

does white queen carry a whip

Fry's Electronics, Target, Bestbuys are all Brick and Mortal (physical) stores that price match here, but its always up to the managers digression. It depends on what it is, if they have the EXACT same model (and I'm talking down to the color), and whether or not they want to price match.