I dont see this hurting Sony as much as it does Microsoft, whose been screwy with gaming since WIN8
I dont see this hurting Sony as much as it does Microsoft, whose been screwy with gaming since WIN8
I dunno. There are plenty songs/music vids that are that long. Its really the value of that individual song. There are some songs that are 2 mins I cant stand, while others, I wish they would never stop.
I feel like his days are seriously numbered.
I'm with that statement about 75%. Probably closer to 80%.
Punishment seems quite reasonable.,
serious question (after reading the article).
Whoa... mind blown.
I've been shaving my legs for years, since I was 14..... made sense to me. My mom shaved her legs.
Ya know. I have PS+ (mostly because I find it beneficial) but I never quite got how much bang for my buck I'm really getting until now.
I assume it would be rather ironic on Xbox.
1- xbox online cost.Free to play isnt really as free as they make it out to be.
I'm actually kinda excited for this. I remember in the arcade they had a 'domination mode' where it would show what nation is winning. I'm hoping they do that.
Saddly, I agree with her being fired, or at least suspended, or a good talking to. This is coming froms a person who works in customer service AND who worked at Gamestop.
I'm actually cool with the classics being remade.
its weird. I went to that website twice. THe first time the first day was at the bottom. The second time it was at the top.
I think it randomizes it.
But there is an option on OKC. Is it viable to do that? like are there really others out there who wouldnt mind the concept (males and females) on OKC?
Is looking for casual sex a thing on online dating sites? or is that a pipe dream?
I feel like A FAT SWEATY BASTARD when I drink because my body temperature goes up 15 degrees. I still like a sexy fat sweaty bastard tho!
She/he could also be tired. my cat does that after playing fetch for like 10 mins
I was under the impression the 'starting phase' was over.
This has to be like a "September Fools" joke troll post.
I disagree. This had to be the worst of them. That controller only seems to works with games for Nintendo.