WTF? scheme?
and Veronica Mars wasnt a scam either. Kristen Bell has already said she was willing to fund it herself, the problem is that she does not own the license on veronica mars.
WTF? scheme?
and Veronica Mars wasnt a scam either. Kristen Bell has already said she was willing to fund it herself, the problem is that she does not own the license on veronica mars.
Welcome to Planet BIG Little
na, dont feel bad.... makes me appreciate life more.
There was this one case awhile back. A asian (I want to say chinese) male around 25 killed his mother.
I'm African-Americna and Japanese, grew up in many neighborhoods, minorities differed place to place, and still, if this were about 10 years ago, I would this this is ridiculous.
so they can say the N word.
off subject, but this really reminds me of this
What if I want a lower libido? then what?
Looks a lot Def Jam Vendetta.
it actually kind of sucks.
I'm the opposite. The less sex I have, the MORE I want.... I reach a breaking point where I'd bang the first person who made a offer...
it depends on where in Santa Monica... parts of that neighborhood are 'up scale' so the pricing is up there, other parts are ghetto fabulous.
Real Estate is expensive as fu** in CA, Especially Santa Monica, Near Beaches, Hollywood.
Here a more outlandish example .
Anyone else notice, pictures look crappy on Facebook VS Google+?
I can point to several instances where the pic looks less clear on Facebook (amateur photographer), but the photo looks identical to how I uploaded via G+
ehh, facebook is turning into myspace at a progressivly slow rate, but yea.
there was a plug-in/ext awhile back (pre change) that did that. Not sure if its still the case.
Oddly enough, I find that some colleges have review systems build into them. You're allowed to request professors syllabuses (syllabi?) and reviews from prior years before taking the class.
I find it split into 3 ways.
you get about 10% of people who want to 'give back' to the site to confirm to deny what other reviewers said. So they generally write truthful reviews
life hacking solves problems when youre an amateur/broke.
thanks a lot for sharing!