Gawn Til November

DJing setup/software would be interesting.

My biggest issue with work weeks is the 2 day weekend.

that controller was terrible for everything.... but Smash bros.

Penis size debate argues size DOES matter. Not necessarily 'the bigger the better', but there is a preference.

I have too many hobbys.
My most expensive hobby (Videoographer/DJing) cost me the most. They COULD make me money, but I leave it as a hobby, and try to collect some money so i dont feel so bad in losing money.

its more like a techno/electronika-rap

Personally... I'm with the ban on gay marriage..... but why stop there. I think ALL marriages should be ban!

Marriage is such an outdated custom. I'm not arguing for promiscuity, polyamorism, open relationships, I think marriage is outdated.

haha, same here. My college history professor actually turned me onto The Daily Show.

they sometimes have more legitimate news on the show than 24hr "real" news channels

I wouldnt call "The Daily Show" a fake news program. Mostly a news satire, and commentary on news media (the reactions of news media to news mostly) but definitely not fake.

The need Fat Princess available via Steam, or something like it.

As much as I would like to believe this, statistics without definition/research methods are basically bullshit.

saddly this has gone beyond "pointing out a poor choice of words", to an internet implosion.

I didn't approach it with male privileged. Do not try to disregard/invalidate my opinion because I am a male.

Heres the thing (and I agree with you). Yes it CAN be taken as a rape joke, but has no real connection to rape.


beat me to it.

The Irony of Kickstarter. The better you market youre kickstarter, the better it does (with most thing mostly), but people rarely have the time/money to do the market, which is why people turn to kick starter in the first place

nuff said ^2

Not saying theres no lady problem, but "rape threats" are equivilant to using 'nigger' to upset an African-American ("Black") person, 'chink' for an Asian person, fag or dyke for a person who is gay/lesbian respectively, or 'terrorist' comments for middleeastern