
If your plan calls for accommodating people for family reasons over other personal interests you'll never garner the support needed to change workplaces policies on a wider scale. You won't have the support of many of your teammates and coworkers who will not be willing to pick up your slack.

Yea, no. I've been in the position of having to constantly pick up the slack for a parent who was less committed to a very difficult position that we both held. You can't tell me there's a reason people should put up with that unless (a) we're getting paid more and (b) we're advancing faster.

They've probably confused the Castle and SCOTUS.

Totally worth a lunch time field trip! Also, much quicker to go Farragut North to Union Station. You'd be there and back before anyone noticed.


When I passed by on Saturday, there were at least a half dozen people already camped out to attend the arguments. And yesterday was freezing and gross in DC. I hope they all stuck it out!

Chell is pretty badass too. For a mute.

WTF re: Tali? I've never heard that particular criticism before.

Especially since your choices don't affect that ending. When I replayed the DLC with a Renegade character and got the same outcome I was just like "eh, whatever."

They used to eat flies.

And yet the Kandros character in that DLC came off totally flat to me. It sort of makes sense now that I know it was originally envisioned as a small role that later got expanded.

There are probably a ton of gifts to the school structured as trusts whose terms would be violated if the school admitted "men" in a legal sense. It sounds like they're required to "...admit only women."

I suspect this administration is in a bit of bind regarding legacy donations and trusts. A lot of gifts are probably conditioned on the school remaining a women's college. If they risk violating the terms of those agreements, then the other possible beneficiaries of those trusts would come calling.

I agree, but I think it's a lighting issue. Both the key light and the fill look to be a little left of center, and it's causing the right side of her face to fall off pretty sharply into shadow.

Amen! And they're way more accessible (at least on the east coast) than Russian River, Lost Abbey and similar offerings.

I think he was just answering "how on earth is that possible" not speaking to "is that how it should be." Living in one of those jaw-dropping unaffordable neighborhoods right now, I think the parental help with the down-payment thing is surprisingly commonplace. It's certainly not something everyone's family can do,

I thought that Outcry Witness procedures are generally only available for young minors and certain other vulnerable categories of people. Otherwise don't you run into difficult hearsay and 6th amendment issues?

Agreed. That's what makes me nervous about the push for anti-bullying legislation. Yea, kids are horrible and school officials need to be able to keep discipline. But attempts to regulate out of school conduct or to criminalize "mean" speech are a terrible overreach.

I was a clueless college freshman who was informed, very emphatically, the week of Valentine's that it was hoped our reservation was for somewhere nice. I confidently replied, “Of course it is!” and struggled to remember the names of any restaurants I’d heard professors or rich townies mention. The next day I was

Imbalanced dating market doesn't clear; college econ majors mildly annoying. Film at eleven.