
I bike through the Capitol building and White House plazas every day. The cops in DC have motorcade closures down to a science and issue instructions to cars, pedestrians and cyclists that are EXTREMELY clear. They’re generally quite polite and reasonable (but firm) when doing so. I can’t see how this dude could not

The core of evangelism is running around and telling other people that your system of beliefs is correct and that theirs isn’t.

LoL at this Crim. Pro. Legal Masterman who can’t distinquish between an interested party’s unexamined allegations of misconduct against a deceased federal official; that federal official’s complete discretion to reject a plea deal and to send whatever signals he wants about it beforehand; and proven allegegations of

Another Marty story, since I’m reminiscing.

He was a great teacher and practitioner. But most unique among tax lawyers, he was genuinely funny. The speech he gave to the ABA upon receiving a lifetime achievement award is well worth the read:

Ross Perot was one of his biggest clients and, rumor has it, was instrumental in protecting her SCOTUS bid from any attacks from the right. Perot liked Marty and his work so much that he endowed a chair in his name at Georgetown.

I lived in Shaw from the early 1990’s until the mid 2000’s and I can tell you that the narrative of gentrification and displacement has no basis in fact. Back then Sunday double-parking was relatively new, having started in the mid-80’s under Marion Barry. It was always unpopular with the neighbors, and the parkers

I loved Shaw! I’m over on the Hill now but still get nostalgic walking or biking through.

This particular issue riles me up first because I’ve been a cyclist here for so long and am so happy with all of the recent changes to infrastructure. DC has a +4% cycling modeshare but nowhere near that amount of protected

See my other comment below, but as someone who lived in saw way back in the day, the narrative that the parishoners have only recently been coming in from the ‘burbs due to gentrification is just not accurate. Sunday parking and this church has been a problem in the neighborhood going back to the mid eighties.

I lived in Shaw from the early 1990’s until the mid 2000’s and I can tell you that the narrative of gentrification and displacement has no basis in fact. Back then Sunday double-parking was relatively new, having started in the mid-80’s under Marion Barry. It was always unpopular with the neighbors, and the parkers

Total Cost: Unknown (possibly unknowable!). I saw my father-in-law settle up the bill with the hotel that hosted the ceremony and reception. It was well over $100K. Other costs included flying in foreign relatives, catering several events, photographer (almost $10K in their own right), DJ, temple gratuities, all

Because he read all the way to the end of the article, where those specific problems are identified and cited at length.

Colleges are generally §501(c)(3) organizations. They aren't subject to tax.

College's are often the beneficiaries of charitable trusts from major donors, and the donors usually put restrictions in the terms of the trusts along the lines of: "My gigantic pile of money is hereby donated in trust to Fancy Women's College, provided that Fancy Women's College continues to exclusively enroll

I'm a cyclist who has done a ton of riding in and around Culpeper, including occasionally on Lee Highway.

Her husband Marty kept a framed copy of that picture on his desk for many, many years. Not to mention the ~30 other pictures of her he kept on prominent display.

My biggest problem with her proposal, as a cyclist, is that she's chosen such a crappy bike. It may be a GT, but that thing looks like it's straight from the department store.

I've always wanted to develop a course called Legal, Financial, and Tax Concepts for the Real World (unofficial title "Shit You Need to Know").

The hardest reservation to get in DC, by far, is Rasika. I've only been a few times, but I always see some big politico there.