
Thanks, and I take your point. I suppose my response assumed away that the mom's estate was $0. The mechanics of how the auction process can be manipulated are very interesting too!

I don't really know all the history, but a quick scan of the SEC filings says that under this new deal Soros' fund comes in senior to Lion while Lion agrees to extend the maturity 2yrs and relax some covenants. I suspect that the lenders already negotiated roughly what the terms workout will be and Lion is happier

I strongly suspect Soros and Lion are positioning themselves to take control in the increasingly inevitable looking restructuring/bankruptcy. I wonder if Dov's CFO or GC has pointed this out to him?

If she's underwater and not a party to the mortgage, then what she needs to do is to cancel the utilities, hire movers, and leave the keys on the porch. Or just stay put and let BoA foreclose on the estate, then buy the house out of foreclosure.

And the insurance companies will just impound the cost into the premiums religious organizations pay for "everything else." I guess if adding a layer of obfuscation to the actual incidence of the costs makes everyone happy, then so be it.

A staple remover works wonderfully if you're at the office.

No worries, I understand the point you're trying to make. And everyone has a right to decide how much risk they're willing to take on on their kids behalf. Walking the paranoia-negligence tightrope is tough for every parent.

Nevermind, I do want to ask this, but more respectfully than I started to phrase it the first time.

EDIT: Nevermind.

Also evidenced by the abundance of barely-concealed liquor bottles at every law firm I've ever been at.

That's how I read that as well. She didn't "cry over spilt milk" as it were.

Go to law school and on to a law firm?

Not a chance.

This is advice seems great, but I couldn't get past the "Biglaw partner" bit. But I'm sure you could introduce me to some of the in-house tax people where you were GC we would be BFFs!

When we got married we received checks made out to every possible combination of our names. Including [Groom's first name] [Brides Last name]. I deposited everything into a BoA ATM and never heard dick from them about it.

Often a statute of limitations stays open until X years after a person's 18th birthday, in order to protect a minor victim from exactly the sort of problem you experienced with adults who fail to pursue your case. You may or may not still have time to seek prosecution or to sue. I think you should look for a pro

Wow, yeah that's pretty indefensible on the guys part. In the U.S. the domestic airlines have created a uniquely crappy situation that semi-frequently puts people who have specifically reserved certain seats into conflict with traveling families.

Thank you! Switching seats is my line in the sand. I had one mom get incensed when I insisted on keeping the extra-leg room seat I paid for. No, I'm not going to take your middle seat twenty rows back thank you very much. And furthermore I suspect you took nonconsecutive seats at the front of the plane rather than

I agree the adult who didn't want to move should have just stated as much, but that problem can cut both ways. If you're not careful to book seats together the airline often doesn't know/doesn't care and will separate kids from parents and force everyone to sort it out on the plane. That usually results in people

Given the ferocious rate of downsizing of secretarial staffs at large law firms, I suspect that these results may be driven in part by the fact that secretaries want to be hitched to the oldest most senior partners who can shelter their jobs (and who are also far more likely to be technophobes who rely heavily on