
"Raise your hand if you have ever been personally victimized by Bill Cosby?"

Yeah, let's verb him. "He tried to Cosby me." We could noun him as well, "an act of Cosby." It worked for Santorum.

I wrote my master's thesis on Where the Boys Are! According to one article it's based on an article in Time Magazine from 1958/59 (can't remember off the top of my head), so basically our grandparents were going on spring break. It's a weird movie because it was weird times, what with birth control/the sexual

Yeah, Where the Boys Are is a damn trip and a half. Also, young George Hamilton!

I never understood the spring break freak out, but then again I spent spring break at my parents' house in the suburbs.

The only things I ever did on Spring Break was work and school projects. How do kids pay for this shit, besides Bank of Mom and Dad?

START RETURNING. Seriously, at least get your money back if that stuff isn't working for you. :(

At what point should I just cash in my damn points?

Try Stila's eyeliner pen. I loooooove it.


Um I think you meant first hottest member and also best singer and smolderer.

I appreciate that this gets the clicks and all, but could we talk about some awesome women for a second? Like how the Guardian's staff just chose a brilliant female editor, and they're already leading the way with a host of brilliant women writing for both them and the Observer? Or how about the YA Book Prize being a

And Thor movies are the ones that people give the least shit about in the filmverse still.

Something something ethics in comic book journalism.

They *did* create a new character. Previous Thor is still around, using an axe, because as happens periodically, he's being too much of a jerk to wield Mjolnir. That was why he got turned into Donald Blake in the first place.

No one gave a shit about Thor until the filmverse.

Don't forget about Baby Thor.

Something something CANON! Something something "just create a new character, don't mess with the ones that I grew up with because....reasons!"

I have to admit, this is a song that we (by we, I mean a bunch of girls) used to sing as young teenagers at Pony Club in the very early 90's. We all thought we were very funny.