Philippe Gosselin

They are so sexy aren't they?

FPE, First Person Exploration

No that's not the case here.

Dude, may I suggest that if you want to know more about us then come, spend some time here, talk to real people, instead of giving credence to things you heard, because as it is now you are waaaaaay off the mark.

Sorry dude/dudette, but I am with Algorithms on this one. Both your original post and subsequent reply don't make sense at all. I am a Quebecers and, granted there is a part of the cultural population in Montreal that are totally snobby but they still manage to produce cool results more often than not. So they are not

Mena is my lead in my second short film which I just finished. Knock'em dead kid!

Absolutely, I am just sick and tired of fanboys/girls taking it personal if someone criticizes a film (or piece of entertainment that they loved), hence the "bite me" part.

Get Out : I know that this is a very important film for America(ns) but I couldn't get past the midway point, the weight of all it's non subtleties was just too much and I quit.
John Wick 2 : Couldn't get past the midway point either, I guess it is a mix of the fresh veneer of the first one that has worn off and the

Yeah but just don't tell them that ;)

It's not an argument but a fact. Humanity and say, the flu, has been co-existing for millennias and the vast majority of that time was without a vaccine. Your ancestors survived and adapted to countless plagues and diseases. If it ain't broke…

It's a shame that the vaccine debate got tangled up with autism because it blinds us to the real causes of people's repulsion to those who don't do it. I believe that the main reason is plain old puritanical revulsion to anything that is "unclean". Getting a common virus here and there is actually healthy, it keeps

Who happens to be the same guy who wrote Ep.7, apparently on the napkin that was under the drink he was having with Abrams. It's a sad world indeed.

Great maker, Emperor Vir is gone.

I see what you did there!

This is uncanny, I was literally talking about that three hours ago with my psychotherapist. I was telling how this Wednesday I felt like total crap (remnants of my deep depression) and couldn't work one bit and so I just grabbed a game and played, in this case DE: Mankind Divided.

Whoa, this is some bad photoshopping.

Sad to see the superb Connie Britton relegated to a somewhat snooty socialite, or so the trailer led me to believe…

The former are people living in the past while the latter want to crush free speech…so the latter because, as long as we have free speech things are moving forward for everybody, however slow it might seems.

"…it wasn’t significantly better or worse than the original" Really? How can someone make something as bland as porridge with one the most exciting franchise in comedy history is beyond me.

I don't think that it is a slippery slope at all. The PC police would love nothing more than to take down the loudest mouths which would make the less loud ones shut up or be next….it's just a little thing called repression is all.