Philippe Gosselin

I don't think it was a joke. I think it is him putting back in the face of the senator, as bluntly as possible, the fact that the phrasing of his invitation was not appropriate at all.

Drooling uncontrollably….

You know what, I stand corrected. His early efforts were made with a tiny budget compared to your run of the mill blockbuster and that is quite a feat. I guess I am just a jealous SOB….though, from a critical perspective he does bomb big time.

Well he produced the damn films so he is green lighting himself then.

Actors, except for a few exceptions, have zero pull man.

Hey, I am a good looking-almost forty guy from Toronto. Can I at least be a clam?

Jeez how can Wiseman still be working in this town, all he does bombs one after another…

The "who are you" part of the trailer makes Gadot seems like a third rate actress, which I am sure she ain't AND the whole drab-desaturated-Snyder look is boring me beyond tears AND this whole Atlantis/Wonder Woman/Aquaman never really rocked my boat.

How many have you had? I made a nice last further below, next time your are here give some of them a try. Cheers!

Don't know man, I drink Corona ;)

"…produces more varieties of good industrial beer than just about anyplace else on Earth"…this Canadian would beg to differ ;)

I think you should read on Nietzsche and you will get your answers as to David's motivation and intention

Give me props for misrepresenting myself because I just look at my profile and here's what I actually wrote: "Ps. I don't really care for chatting and if you plan on sending me a "Hey there" or a "How's it going", please don't bother and move on to the next."

You mean the people here or on the dating site? If it's the latter then I don't get why it is off putting in any way considering that I read PLENTY of women's profiles that warns about inane platitudes, hint hint, which is where I got the idea.

Why does one bother going to the theater or pressing "play" if one is not going to watch it?

Funny because I am a member of a dating site and 95% of the time the messages I receive are only "Hey there" or "What's up" even though I specifically state in my profile that I am not here to chat and that "Hey there" or "what's up" will guarantee an instant deletion of your message. I guess shallowness and lack or

Now THAT was helpful, thanks!

When I first heard about the spin off I imagine that Jimmy would become Saul because of his life experience with society's lows. I find this over reliance on the relationship with his brother quite underwhelming hence my question.

So far in the new season are they sticking to the theme about the brothers or, as I think it should be, Jimmy becoming Saul?

Or in my case severe depression, yeah!