South Carolina.
South Carolina.
Rhode Isand? Long Island?
Was your pregnancy a result of lack of sex education? Lack of access to birth control (condoms, pill, IUD)? Or a “getting caught up in the heat of the moment” type of thing?
So shes on board with all their crazy religious shit.......until it means she cant go to graduation.
*reads article*
Gee, I wonder if the dude who she had sex with was banned as well?
I do fieldwork in the Canadian Arctic and Subarctic, where bears (black/brown/grizzly/polar, depending on where you are) are something you have to think about.
Oh look, we’re the same age, lol. And yeah, I’m WAY too young to remember those early days of hip hop. My parents (where were yound and in their early 20s when they had me) did listen to hip-hop. So the first rap I remember hearing was NWA and Straight Outta Compton. Mostly because my parents loved the political…
I found that weird too. The way it was racially diverse but didn’t seem that way, and the original which had 3 -4 white leads seemed more diverse than this. Really odd.
I think about the many many many times I watched the original with my mom, and now I’m wondering if we were watching the same movie.
No idea, I didn’t watch it either. She just complained about it on facebook. My mom is really racist so it could have been anything, tbh.
My mom kept texting me about how much added SEX stuff there was and how they didn’t need the whole plot of Baby’s mom wanting to have sex with her husband. I was like, mom, you do realize there is a bunch of sex and sexual overtones in the original, right?
That dude was out acted by the log he danced on.
reflective applique
My brother was born in ‘70. And he pretty much has your same attitude towards rap. Currently were having a back and forth light hearted debate about the last:
I saw Eve in concert recently when she opened for Gwen Stafani and she’s just a great as ever. :)
True, true!
Wasn’t it am awesome time to be alive? So much amazing music with not a lot of sampling and interesting beats.