
“Nobody has a right to disrupt other people’s political rallies, whether you call it protesting”

Australia, New Zealand...pffft. Same difference.

Ewww...I’m a bit ticked off w/you right now!!!

I wish this worked for adults too? Because I drive my family and friends nuts whenever we eat out, or order takeout. When I go to Taco Bell I will order a taco salad

Who here really thinks Harry is a full Windsor and isn’t the result of that affair she supposedly had with some ginger?

“...my stupid teenage brain thought I legitimately had a shot...”

I know its been said before. But anyone else remember when Will was the dreamy royal, amd Harry was the geeky ginger. Now Will is shorter with a baby and male pattern baldness. What happened?

That’s one flat ass!

Does anyone else remember when 90’s hiphop was filled with NHL jerseys. I can only assume it was more of about style than actually being a hockey fan(could be wrong). I remeber rocking a couple myself. I loved the baggy roomy feel.

Snark much?

Damit! Now my afternoon of nothing to do is ruined.

I remeber during hygiene class we were taught it’s unhygenic for girls to be unshaved...everywhere. Being the smart ass, I raise my hand and asked “what about the boys?” Teacher’s response was “boys wear stonger deodorant”. So I asked “well can’t I just wear what the boys use?” (stern look from the teacher) “Does

How did you learn? I’m looking for an easy way to learn, short of joining a kniting cirle at the local library.

I prefer Whal brand. They don’t just make a decent hair clipper, they make a mind blowing vibrator for those who find the rabbit too weak. Plus you can find them in most drug stores.

I know about the sugar method. Hair removal goes way, wayyyy back. That’s why I specifically wrote in the West.

Just like another commenter said, the feeling does go away. Without getting all soap boxy. Shaving by the masses is a fairly recent phenomenon for the West. Developed by madmen in a way to increase razor sales after sleeve and hemlines shortened. Actually, American men didn’t shave daily until after the WWI. A shaved

Porn can have its place in exploring one’s sexuality in a healthy relationship. I was once a ice queen, incapable of enjoying sex. I thought I was broken because I couldn’t have an orgasm through traditional sex. But over the years, there are many things I’ve discovered I absolutly love. And the way i found out what i

Deary, I just sooooo want this to have reaaly happened. Please don’t disappoint.

I’d think there’d be a high school yearbook somewhere in the US with beyonce’s photo and graduating class year in it. No?

Deary, I really hope so. But the anti-tampon feminist movement is actually a thing. Hard to believe, but sadly it’s true.