You win! I had flesh torn off my eyelids while waxing and it was the worst but OH MY GOODNESS YOUR POOR LABIA!!!
You win! I had flesh torn off my eyelids while waxing and it was the worst but OH MY GOODNESS YOUR POOR LABIA!!!
Tomi Lahren isn’t leading as much as she’s taken advantage of the fact that being a blonde, white woman who spouts conservative rhetoric = money and attention. I’ll give her points for knowing how to get attention and sympathy. Unfortunately, most black women aren’t afforded the same sort of opportunities and end up…
Hold up. You can’t just nonchalantly post a story about how they ripped off some of your labia and then come across like a sponsored ad for an epilator! We need details. Like, how mad/hurt were you? Were there screams? Blood? Did they offer your money back? How long did it take you to bury their body?
Maybe I’m real dumb, but in an industry where people are known for changing their names and age is an issue....why would a rumor of someone changing their name and fudging their age BE cause for not hiring them? I don’t understand Hollywood.
I starred you, got to the FALSE miracle whip comment, and then took back my star.
This especially rings true considering the uphill battle POC and make POC face in the justice system. He might be guilty as hell, but you know even with the best defense team in the world he won’t get the Owen Labrie treatment and be out in 6 months.
Yeah I am inclined to give Tyra the benefit of the doubt at the moment. It takes a certain kind of famewhore to not only go on a reality show, but to then do an act based on the birth of their child on said reality show.
I don’t know if I believe this - TyTy is often horrible but I don’t get her being physically abusive to a child.
No one is debating innocence vs guilt. It’s a matter of does the type of defense team available makes a difference with adequate sentencing?
My baby has a favorite boob, does that count?
Yep! Basically it was normal for 14 year olds to be getting married and having children then, not that was what happened with Sally. As time has passed in Western society, our age of consent has steadily increased, in addition our view of the maturity, intelligence, capabilities, and responsibility of those underage…
My daughter is 14 and she isn’t perfect by any means. She has never disrepected me the way this girl disrepected her mom. She wouldn’t disrepect her sister like that. Or her father. Or another adult.
I wonder how much of that came from the fact that she knew everyone in your town and they all knew her. This is pure conjecture on my part, as a white person who grew up in a suburb of Chicago. My parents were from a small town in the south and they were much more open to their hometown friends being outliers of any…
Aww...just bless your sweet lil’ heart dear.
Lol, I have a friend! I, too, get the billowing smoke when I bring up “the mark of Cain” and “homosexuality is a sin” hypocrisy! Morons.
I could never could wrap my head around Black people being pro racial equality, yet hiding behind the Bible as an excuse to be flagrantly anti-lgbtq. Remember how the “mark of Cain” is used as an excuse to justify slavery and other silly racist nonsense? Well, when I mention the sheer hypocrisy in the “homosexuality…
I think we all have this kind of stupidity on something. I thought reindeer were fictional animals (like unicorns) until I was in my 30s. I never saw one other than movies and I thought they were special effects.
Which was exactly her explanation. She logically knew it was tuna, which is a fish. But she doesn’t like fish. Probably doesn’t even like tuna when it is prepared in a more “fish-like” way. But canned tuna is...different. And the taste reminded her more of chicken. Which she does like. Or something. But not fish. And…
I swear I’m not in idiot. I regularly watch Jeopardy and occasionally get the answers correct too. I try to stay up on current political events as well.