Eel St. Louis

This is a speech talking about the Arab Spring and more specifically about US intervention in Libya.  After that speech, any sort of positive momentum either of those events had disappeared and they have since turned into complete shitshows.  

I haven’t watched the show yet, but does the fact that this particular speech is sort of ... tragic ... with the benefit of hindsight that PWB would have factored in to the plot at all?

Have you read “Life After Life” by Kate Atkinson? That is her best book. About a girl that is repeatedly living the same life over and over again; it might sound strange, but it’s brilliant.

Not yet, but it’s on my (ever growing) list!

Maybe later editions in the series are more interesting.

Every turn-of-the-decade New Year’s Ever portends something life changing for me.

I made a concerted effort to start reading again this year. When I look back at the works that will stay with me, I’d nominate “Normal People” by Sally Rooney as my favorite this year. That story emotionally wrecked me. I want to check in on the characters and make sure they’re ok. 

That first trilogy sounds like it's right up my alley. Perfect timing, I was just about out of things to read. :)

LOVE Kate Atkinson, and her early work is fantastic! Human Croquet is my favorite of hers.

Let’s see! Now that I’m done with the Xmas reading, I’m cracking through the enormous pile that follows me wherever I go. Right now I’m reading The King In Yellow, and The Valencourt Horror Stories, volumes one and two. Oh, and Joe Hill’s latest collection. Coming up, Bill Bryson and Kate Atkinson’s latest. 


Never Have Kids, for sure. That was easy because it’s just one of those things that’s been set in stone forever with me—like hating all seafood. I’m not going to change my mind and luckily I’ve never had anybody try to.

Good news: I finally got some interviews for a more permanent job in academia. Bad news: I have to prepare for said interviews. I had two last year to no avail, and they are so difficult! Two days from ~8 am -8 pm of being grilled by different people plus an hour long talk. I really feel like I lack the charisma that

I always enjoy a good book thread. Here are my contributions:

New kittens! They are six months old and very good boys. We’ve had them almost three weeks and they’re settling into our household very well overall. However, they seem to like me much more than my husband. I don’t know if it has something to do with his lower voice, or what. They’ll play with him, but are much less

I might love the holidays but they did not love me this year. Not only did my closest friend and support system/ family replacement get diagnosed with breast cancer, her husband dropped dead a few weeks later, and we all went to midnight mass where I have gotten what I think is something between the plague and a sinus

I’ve never made anything but joke resolutions (giving up crack and sex with very young men). This year I’m getting my affairs in order—will, powers of attorney, financial plan, that sort of thing. Fun, that’s my middle name.

I can’t even comprehend this year, it’s been so crazy, starting with that stupid government furlough. It’s continued being almost entirely shitty since then, full of professional barriers, family and friends being ill, oh and now I’m allergic to oysters. Thinking about the decade is beyond me right now.

I haven’t ever participated in a SNS because I’m a day ahead of you guys and always forget, but when I do end up reading the thread long after it's been put to bed gives me a little hope for humanity.

I just yelled at my Mum. She’s been staying with me for a month and she is now officially driving me crazy. I’m not good at having people in my house for long periods under the best conditions, but my super-complicated relationship with my mother was not meant for these tests. She wants to rearrange my whole house.