Eel St. Louis

I mean, you don't have to

I’m not gonna pretend I’m too cool and woke to love Little Women, or Greta Gerwig, so I cant wait to see this with my little sister so we can bawl our eyes out.  

Evans has been further down on my list of Chris’s but Dodger is a rescue, and he is treated like a king, so this bumps Evans up the list.

Merry Christmas MD. Did you see the BBC adaptation of a Christmas Carol? I hated it at first but loved it by the end. 

My Christmas was fine. Good food, decent company (only less than a handful of people this year), usual arguments where I won’t watch really shit Christmas films they demand and they won’t watch what I argue to put on (in this case the entire ICC ODI World Cup New Zealand vs England (and Wales) Final). Overall bearable.

Thought I was spending Christmas alone because I got divorced in the spring, and my family lives on the other end of the country.

The queen looks great. No fake orange pancake on her. I hope she and Ruth Bader Ginsburg outlive the crap currently holding office or pretending to the throne.

Merry Christmas Eel!

I used to do SNS every week but haven’t in about a year or so. Came here looking for an open-thread, and lucky me.

I made tamales a couple of times (as a fundraiser for a roller derby team). Them suckers are labor intensive as hell. Now I buy them from somebody and know that $15 for a dozen is pretty damned cheap.

I wrote about my cousin on SNS. His lung had collapsed and he was sedated to help him heal. Sunday night, he had two seizures, his brain has not been getting any oxygen, and due to professional recommendations, his mother has chosen to take his off life support.

The green dress is particularly awful. Lots of money, zero taste!

That’s pretty idealized. He looks more ridiculous doing his “muscle pose” because his hips are wider than his shoulders.

She had to play a tree in every single recital. “Good, Ivanka, just like that! Everybody, look at Ivanka, that’s how I want the forest! Rigid and wooden like you were hit with a paralysis ray!”

Almost every outfit not just awful but entirely Too Much for the occasion/ others around her.  It’s not like you expect restraint from a Trump, but yeesh.  

Well yeah, when you’re the show runner and it’s your show and you feel it should be written a certain way, ultimately actors can either accept the character the way it’s written or they can quit, which Wilson did. Sometimes I think it comes down to chemistry between showrunners and actors and some working

They were!

Look at how good at being tall she is! We are lucky to have her volunteer to be America’s princess.

and 2+ years of Ivanka ‘stan-ing