Man, how much do I LOVE John Hiatt? This is possibly the best ever American anthem:
Man, how much do I LOVE John Hiatt? This is possibly the best ever American anthem:
This story continues to disturb and concern those of us who live in the Sonoran Desert. I have hiked in Pima Canyon, and in the Santa Catalina Mts more times over the decades than I can count, with and without a long series of friends and my boxers who lived with me and shared my life. Although I’ve seen rattle snakes…
MsM, what was the outcome of your hope from a year ago to quit smoking cigarettes?
She is very scary-looking. What my father used to refer to as “an object lesson.”
I’ve been devouring English mystery novels since I was a teenager. I, too, appreciate the character development and the descriptions of a landscape that is unfamiliar to me, but highly appealing. I appreciate the recommendation and will add Winslow to my “to do” list. I feel a real connection to the work of Kate…
Ha ha, oh dear. This info serves to increase my already considerable respect for the talents of the old Scottish TV production team and strong cast.
I’m excited to give ‘Behind the Scenes at the Museum’ a try. Have you watched the UK series, ‘Case Histories’? I know some of Atkinson’s diehard fans thought the TV series was a garbled mashup. But I find them really watchable, featuring the very dishy Jason Isaacs and Amanda Abbington who is great in the role of lady…
My taste runs much more towards novels from another era, and isn’t normally for contemporary novels although there have been some I have loved. Exceptions: Michael Chabon, Junot Diaz. Right now I’m very much enjoying Kate Atkinson of York, England. I adore the Jackson Brodie TV series set in Edinburgh, and so decided…
Best wishes and congratulations for taking care of yourself. I admire your positive spirit, your stated openness to the possibility, no matter how unlikely, that your family will treat you as you wish to be treated. Happy for you that your have already begun to build your new family, the one you have chosen and those…
Great video, I honestly feel every bit as ‘round’ as that white puss up above. Oh well, tomorrow is another day. Plenty of time in 2020 to work out and decrease carb intake, right?
Great analysis, as per your usual. I always look forward to your educational and amusing posts. Happy New Year to you and all the staff!
“...we all have ...giant vet bills.” Love, and right there with you, Enjoy the new colors and the new brushes!
Princess Anne keeps on looking fit and healthy for a woman of a “certain age”. I think she looks especially well in those severely tailored coats with the mannish hats, the purple makes the whole look festive and traditional-for her at least. Catherine also looks well in a nice subdued grey with the dark green dress,…
Awe, thank you very much!! And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours.
That whole menu above (green chile stew, tacos, tamales) sounds like heaven to me. I joined up with my neighbor’s family for their traditional Thanksgiving Friday tamale production line. It was a blast, and the results were beyond amazing. We made green corn, turkey, and pork/beef varieties. Some with potato, and all…
Wishing a better New Year for us all. Tough time of year for a breakup, no matter how warranted it was. Continued healing and growth to you. And who knows, maybe something wonderful is right around the corner.
How terrible, you all must be completely stunned. Condolences.
One step in the right direction would be to just go and re-work the sleeves of every frock and/or blouse. Switch out all that frill for something simple and tailored, for starters.