Eel St. Louis

Thank effing God Thanksgiving is over! My mean family gets turbo charged with negative holiday energy and always makes me feel unwanted and terrible about myself. Better thought: The Bartender and I are back from two weeks in Panama, and we definitely are planning on moving there early next year. We were all over

Those look so fancy! I love the black and white seeds on them!

Congrats, you're doing great with your writing goals! I've participated in Nanowrimo for the past four years, but this year I just couldn't get it together. My kids were being demanding and I was dealing with mental health stuff. It's frustrating because writing makes me feel better, but it just didn't work this year.

Hey, what’s good from your kitchen? My cheese babka rolls were a big hit at Thanksgiving, they were requested for Christmas dinner. I’m not sure if I should make a double batch, or just make them smaller. I also made raspberry bars, and the raspberry “jam” part was so so good. It ended up more like pate de fruit, I

The fact that he slipped in “This is the first Thanksgiving where I didn’t get my...cold turkey...but that’s okay though!” is another tell when he means the opposite. I guarantee he’s going to take Monday off to make up for it.

Re: Trump’s Trip to the troops

Doing Thxgiving solo this year (because it’s not a thing in France, I don’t wanna see my family if I don’t have to, but I love the food, Thxgiving food is the pinnacle of american cooking ^^) and I’ll be thankful for you and any and every other american that seem to not have yet lost their minds. You’re in for a

i had a real bad day (started with dealing with a huge creep on the bus, ended dealing with a huge creep at end of my shift) and this made me forget all that crap because it was just.so.wholesome 😭 

I do not drink or smoke or do anything that might get me through the holidays. My sister does the turkey etc. By the time it’s done, she is completely blotto and mouthy and acting the motherfucking fool. I am therefore the peacekeeper, the teeth gritter and, most specifically, the only person in the entire house who

I started an hour ago, so...

About an hour ago?

I want nothing to do with anyone else’s family on Thanksgiving Day, or any other day for that matter.

That’s the answer I was looking for, I started an hour ago

I’m starting now.

Alternatively: there’s absolutely no shame in spending Thanksgiving alone.

what if one is not “cool”? is this article cool/sarcastic..? I dont get it. Am I supposed to read it with a good-natured nod and smile? What if I stay home during this break as I did not grow up here, do not celebrate Christmas or thanksgiving, have no family around, have no “cool” friend living in Maine, and fear

My family isn’t very cool but we love a full house at the holidays. So I bring home all the strays. From one of my best friend’s and her two kids, to coworkers, to some of the guys who work on my Jeep. So if anyone lives near Wisco/IL stateline and doesn’t want to be alone for a holiday, hit me up-we got plenty of

You didn’t know that Tony Bennett paints?? He is an amazing Renassance Man, a virtuosic artist.

I don't get how the Kardashian sisters became fashion icons, their taste in clothes is bad. Almost everything they wear is ugly. 

All of Tey’s books were a delight.